I think I have a drinking problem ?

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Since I started Uni, I started going out a lot with my girl friends. At first, I was saying no to any kind of alcoholic drink, but finally I said yes. Just like my friend I started drinking a lot every week end. But about a month ago I bought a bottle and drank it alone in my room. I drink like every two days on my own , and when I start drinking I can't stop it. It started with a bottle of wine, then 2, then a bottle a vodka. Drinking makes me so sad and upset. I always get in trouble because of it, I do stupid stuff. I have to move out my house now, because my flatmates hate me  apparently because I am drunk everynight and I behave really really bad. The thing is that I can never ever remember what I have done during the night. I even got in troubles with the cops last night because I was drunk and doing stuff I don't even remember. Every morning when I wake up, I feel terrible, I cry, and I feel so ashamed and promise myself I will never ever drink again. But eventually, because I feel sad and lonely, after couple of days I would go and buy a bottle of booze. & now my mum knows that I messed around being drunk on tuesday and I denied it. She does not I drink. I can't talk to my mum about it. When my flatmate called and told "Your daughter is drunk and annoying everyone". She just rang me the next morning and called me a slut, a disgrace and loads of thing that makes me miserable. I think I have a drinking problem.

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, I've just messed up big time. No more gf, my dog ( best mate) and I'm 5 days sober but feel so bad. I don't want a drink, just my life back from a week ago. I sympathise greatly. Your mom will come round, you just gotta stop drinking or, trust me, it gets worse. I've done 2 rehabs and now a home detox. I'm dreading going to work tomorrow. Chin up.
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    Have you had problems stopping drinking before, or are you still drinking?
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      I never had alcohol before my 19 birthday which was in September.
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      I am not drinking today, but I did drink last night. I don't drink everyday, but like 3 times a week for the last pas 2 months.
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    Ok, I wouldnt worry too much, but your maybe at the top of a slippery slope, Try to stop for a whole week and see if you can mend any broken bridges (sober) I'm sure you will be fine. Carry on drinking & it's nothing but misery, sorry for the strong word 'misery' but that can be putting it mildly. Hope you do ok.
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      But, I feel like alcohol is the only thing that makes me happy. I look forward drinking. I would drink everyday if I didn't have to go uni. The only problem is when I go back to reality.
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      You are right, Roger. Amy you should deal with this problem NOW before it turns to a nightmare for you. It is a serious problem if alcohol is the only thing that makes you happy! I would say again that you really need to consider the friends you choose. You have a problem with alcohol and you need to get that sorted, Most students go through spells of heavy drinking but you are clearly different because you go that one stage further and it is causing you a serious problem.

      I would strongly recommend that you speak to your GP and ask for Nalmefene (Selincro is the commercial name for it). It can help you get your drinking under control.

  • Posted

    Amy if drinking makes you so happy, why do you cry the next day?

    I went through the same for 8 years, the booze never made me happy it just made  me forget wht I was unhappy about.

    Now I am dealing with what I am unhappy about smile

    Put the drink away and think about it. The booze wont fix it... it makes it so much worse.

    You can do it !!!!

  • Posted

    Hi Amy - You gotta problem-sorry-if you cant remember what you have done (blackout) you need to be very careful-if drining is all you are looking forward to -you gotta problem- i wont sugar coat it for you Amy-it wont help you- i'm an alcoholic- i have been there done it- lost everything through drink- you dont want to go down that road-knock it on the head now- i know thats easier said than done- have they a counsellor on the campus? talk to them- there is something more going on here- you have gone from 0-60 in a frw months- its a symptom of something deeper-you need to address whats going on for you-dont lose the relationship with your freinds and your mother- its not worth it- i burned alot of bridges over the years, dont make the same mistake- be honest with your mother -no one else needs to know whats going on- be wary of telling other people about how much your drinking- only those that need to know-need to know- you made a brave decision coming on here Amy- well done- keep posting here you will get loads of support- stay strong Amy-best of luck
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      My mum  would be the last person I would talk to about this, she's really really religious, and drinking the worst thing you can do for her. When it comes to counselling, I am scared to be judged, and people to think I am crazy or something.
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      You are not  crazy at all. I hadn't seen this comment when I said that you should talk to your mother. A good counsellor won't judge you but I understand your reluctance as good counsellors are difficult to find.

      Alcohol addiction is a problem that affects only a small number of people, when a massive number of people drink socially and don't get into trouble with it. The reason for that is that alcohol addiction is a medical condition and only some people have the biological vunerability which leads to addiction.

      While counselling can help you deal with various issues in your life, it can't help you overcome the medical problem you appear to have from what you describe.

      Do an online search for 'The Sinclair Method and read about that, particularly the book by Roy Eskapa called 'The Cure For Alcoholism' (I really wish he had called it another name, but it is a really good book and makes a lot of medical sense). Also, watch the video 'One Little Pill.' I would urge everybody here who drinks too much to look into this because people with alcohol issues have been bullied into feeling extreme guilt for their problem for decades and that only serves to make things much worse for them.

      It is NOT your fault, anymore that it is my fault that I am diabetic.

    • Posted

      Hi Amy - i didnt realise your relationship with your mother was not great- i wish you would re-consider about seeing a counsellor- they will not judge you - that is the whole ethos of counselling- to listen to people in a emphathetic and non-judgemental way- you are far from crazy- i always thought i was - when i was drinking- i wish you all the best and hope you find somebody you trust to talk to-it will help-
  • Posted

    Pmcg21 has hit the nail on the head. Seek help now honey before it spirals out of control and that happens very quickly. It doesn't sound like you have a great relationship with your mum is there anyone else in your family you can talk to.You say you have to move out, where are you moving to, try to make a fresh start if you are going to have new flat mates. By blacking out you are putting yourself at great risk. Are you drinking to try to blot something out or to stop anxiety. Do you think you could be depressed. If you need to private message me feel free.
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    Please Amy seek couselling, you won't find a better person to help and it's confidential.

    Good luck and just do it, OK? You'll feel soooo much better for it.smile

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    I think you also have a problem choosing friends, Any. What sort of friend calls your mother to cause trouble for you? I think you are better off without friends like that.

    It is interesting that you say that you initially refused alcohol. Why was that? Did you have some idea that you were at risk of getting into trouble with alcohol? Maybe because there is a family history?

    You CAN and SHOULD talk to your mother about it. Who called you a slut? Your mother or your so-called friend?

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      Hi Paul,

      I said no to alcohol at first because because I have a health condition, and drinking with my tablets is dangerous.

      It's my flatmates, not my friend who called my mum. Basically, they are very very very religious and sexist when they saw I quote" You smelled like alcohol" they rang my mum. who later on called me names. As I said before, she's proper muslim. I don't know how to explain, living with my flatmates makes me sad, my mum makes me sad. I need to drink to feel better, seems like my life is so sh*t I need a way out even though it's for few hours. But now I think I have a problem because I drink very very very much when I start it.

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      I have no problem with people having a faith, but to judge somebody else based on religious ideology goes against the very spirit of most religions including Islam.

      You sound like you would be better off finding a new place to live away from people like that.

      You DO have a problem with alcohol, but being punished for it won't help you, you need support from people who care. You will get plenty of that here.

      Look into The Sinclair Method which will explain how your alcohol problem is a medical affliction and not a life choice.

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