I think I have an anal fissure??

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A few days ago (on thursday night - it's now Monday), I felt sharp pain towards the back of my anus. I checked and saw a small pea-sized lump just on the entrance. Whenever I tried to sleep at night, I would get the sharp pain. It's been 4 days and I havn't been able to defecate - first time I tried a reasonable amount of blood (5 - 10ml + a toilet bowl full of toilet paper to clean the rest off my ass) came out and as you can imagine bloody petrified my from trying any further...

Then just this morning I checked again and noticed there was significantly more swelling - the entire entrance to my anus had basically closed shut! I decided to try a sitz bath... filled the tub with about 10cm of warm water and sat in there until it went cold. The swelling subsided significantly (although there was still a lump). I tried to defecate again but I just couldn't go - I sat for about 30 minutes but nothing would come... and I couldn't bring myself to pushing very hard as I feel the fissure - if I have one - will tear more.

I know I need to defecate quite badly - I can feel a build up and also discomfort in my stomach.

Does this sound like a fissure? What should I do?

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    yup it is anal fissure. It will get even more painful after a rupture happens where you cant walk.  Take of stool softener to help your stool get soft to come out and not be as painful but it will be.  I had this happen to me in Feburary and finally got surgery in December.. Best decision of my life to get the surgery. Feels great to take a crap without pain or blood. I been having Anal problems for almost 2-3 years. I got the surgery for about $1000 USD done in South Korea and it was great and not very painful at all.
    • Posted

      Oh god D: from people's experiences it seems this is going to be hell isn't it ):

      Is it necesary to go see a doctor?

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      Also, if you can answer this, do the sitz baths have to be shallow? I'd prefer to take a normal bath... what difference would it make?
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      go see a doctor when you are ready to have surgery, there is no point in seeing doctor till you are ready schedule surgery.. Plan a week of pain and 3-4 weeks of no alcohol and exercise.  You can do the sitz bath and creams and fiber diet but they are worthless without surgery. Its delaying the inevietable.. I dont know if bath are and different than stiz bath only thing could be the streching of the ass.


    • Posted

      I dont know man, that may be a hemorrhoid. A fissure is a tear/scratch/cut. Hes describing a large swolen mass thats making the canal appear closed, a fissure definitely ill not swell like that its only a cut. @ralph81984 definitely go get that examined man it may not be a fissure if you are seeing alot of blood and theres a swolen lump thats that visible.
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      The longer you hold in the stool the worse it will be. Worse case scenario take a pain killer that you can get stronger the better, and drink some coffee or take a magnesium supp, much milder than a laxative and it stimulates peristalsis very smoothly, and go to the bathroom. The relief will be worth it.

      Also dont go running and buying surgery and thinking what you have is something that a doctor may be able to tell you it isn't during examination. A fissure and a hemorrhoid are two different things with different treatments and approaches to healing. Get that examined asap! Good luck

    • Posted

      I've heard a fissure can also be accompanied by a pile? Anyway, I'll definitely be going to the doctor. Thankyou for your responses.
  • Posted

    Get laxatives and stool softners (from your doctor) and take Paracetamol and Ibuprofen 4 times daily.

    If blood is bright red and splattered over toilet pan - it may be pile.

    Fissure blooed tends to streak the stools - not always but generally.

    Doctor needs to look up there - if its a fissure - remember there is no quick magic cure.  Even botox does not 'cure everyone.

    Keep us posted.

  • Posted

    Went to the doctor. He said I definitely have a hemorroid and probably a fissure too. Well, isn't that wonderful.
  • Posted

    He told me to use 4 different meds too;

    - Proctosedyl Suppositories

    - Rectogesic anal ointment

    - Microlax

    - Coloxyl

    Anyone here had experiences with these? Am I supposed to use them all at the same time? I forgot to ask

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      used Rectogesic cream it was only a slight relive of the normal pain and doctor told me so and he also said it only works on a certain number of patients. BtW it gives you a headache everytime you use it. 
  • Posted

    I have fissure right now it's slightly getting better.. Passing hurts, but no after spasms..

    Had the fissure on and off since Nov 2013.

    Iv cut meat out and just eating more fibre and drinking much more water.. 2-4 litres a day.

    I read on a good site about some peoples stories and how theyve got better.

    One method that a few people said they had success from was eating loads of PECAN nuts every day.

    My diet at moment is Weetabix for breakfast with a sprinkle of flax seed. Veg Soup for lunch - few pecans througout the day and then a salad or a veg dish for dinner.

    Hope you get well soon.


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