I think i have fibromyalgia, what do i do?
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I'm fairly certain i have Fibromyalgia. I get headaches and have done for years, all my joints hurt (though i have recently been properly diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome), random points on my body hurt to press such as my lower back, my palms and my stomach in certain places, every now and then i get random shooting pains in my leg, arm or ribs and then after 15 seconds it's gone like it never happened!
I've been tested for everything under the sun, i can't seem to remember dates and times and that seems to be getting worse like brain fog so they tested my thyroid and all normal..
I'm really at my wits end, i'm 23 and i don't remember the last day i was pain free..
Any advice? Thanks! x
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Ellie1943 Livzrawr
Best wishes Ellie. X
Jeanniep Livzrawr
barbara93101 Livzrawr
TeresaJS Livzrawr
kaz_40 Livzrawr
kaz_40 Livzrawr
TeresaJS Livzrawr
you're so young! I'm so sorry you're in such pain. The hypermobility can on itself, as far as I know, cause many of your symptoms. Can you sleep well? The reason I'm asking is because some experts say that's a criteria for diagnosing fibromyalgia by contrast with other with similar symptoms.
Have you been to a neurologist, Liv? The memory issues should, in my view, be well assessed since you're too young for having them. Fibromyalgia is an exclusion diagnosis: once everything is ruled out you'll get yours.
There's a med. called LDN - Low Dose Naltrexone (I've got a few posts here about it) that, once you've got a definite diagnosis could be an option for you. There's also alternative and complementary medicines.
Sleep well and take good care of yourself. X.
christine26761 Livzrawr
Bee70 Livzrawr
Getting confirmation from a rheumatologist is the first thing to do. They may carry out further tests to rule out other options.
Gentle hugs.
Are there any blood tests that would show fibro? Or is it purely based on symptoms and assessments? Thanks guys x
kaz_40 Livzrawr
christine26761 Livzrawr
CharliS Livzrawr
Mine started at 21 and by 23 I was where you are now. I am 30 and have just been diagnosed.
I agree with CHristine and Bee, get a referal to a Rhumatologist immidiately. The doctors think that because you are young it is nothing to worry about. For me it was especially bad because I was so active. They assume that if you are not lying in bed crying about it that it is not bad, they forget that when you are young your body just tolerates alot more strain and pain, but darling it escalates and it gets worse so the quicker you can get a handle on it and settle into a coping routine the better.
At the moment i'm struggling with working.. I need to be on my feet for 7.5 hours per shift and my joints just cannot take it anymore!
The company i work for aren't particularly understanding about it and thought by moving me to another shop and giving me a chair at work would help but getting up and down makes it worse!
I've not got weird blurry vision and i'm starting to stutter so i'm terrified..
kaz_40 Livzrawr