I think i have mono

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i’m a 16 year old female. i have been feeling horrible nausea and fatigue for close to 6 months now. i have gone to so many different doctors and they all don’t know what’s wrong with me. my pediatrician told me in august that i had a past result for mono but i had never had symptoms of mono ever. Recently i have gotten a sore throat and i’m tired of feeling horrible nausea and always tired. PLEASE HELP!

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    ALSO i never knew anyone who had mono so i don’t know how i would’ve contracted it in the past 
  • Posted

    Hi Jade, 

    Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad! Nausea was my first symptom of mono and even now a few months later, it's a symptom I still have. It's off and on and mainly during the day. I assume it's related but can never be sure. I'm taking a PPI (an acid reducer) to see if that helps as well,

    Have they mentioned doing an upper endoscopy or testing for hypylori bacteria? 

    • Posted

      I have a gastro appointment in the morning and i’m not sure if they are doing an endoscopy, someone told me they would’ve told me before the appointment so i’m guessing there’s no endoscopy. Please write back if the PPI works or not !
    • Posted

      You would definitely know if they were doing an endoscopy tomorrow. They will do an initial appt and then set one if needed. Do you have any heartburn, chronic sore throats, hoarseness or cough? I've taken a ppi for two days and I feel better BUT it totally could be a coincidence because my nausea is off and on. 

      Is yours constant and all day and all night?

    • Posted

      USUALLY mine is off and on. I will have a streak of like two days where i feel great and then afterwards I’ll have a streak of like 4 days of feeling horrible. Today and yesterday have been horrible (i may just have the flu) elevated temps, but of stomach pain, nausea, and sore throat 

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      also i never eat when i don’t feel good so i don’t think it’s heart burn. 
  • Posted

    Hi jade, 

    my my results for glandular fever/mono were EXACTLY the same. It said I've had a past infection. But I have never felt like this before!! It's either gf or a similar nasty strain! But I have felt just like you.feeling horrible, nausea, fatigue, muscle tingles, breathlessness.

    its 13 months for me now and I am slowly slowly getting better, I do so much more now but still have to rest and pace myself. Things will improve, just slowly!!!

    take care.

    caroline x

  • Posted

    Hi Jade,

    So sorry to hear you have been feeling so unwell. I know you must be so weak and weary and how it really affects your confidence. It could certainly be the past mono infection as those are very typical symptoms for mono and it is normal for it to last many months for people unfortunatey. Just want to reassure you that things will get better, I really do believe that for you and you're doing the right thing just keeping in touch with the doctor and seeking help.

    Taking vitamins and herbs certainly helped me when I was going through mono, a good strong multi-vitamin per day can make a real difference, as can extra levels of Vitamin C, Vitamin D and B complex (B complex really good for energy levels and concentration).

    Hang in there and I do believe that God will bring your healing Jade, just take things a day at a time and keep remembering this is only temporary and you will get through it!

    Take care and thinking of you


  • Posted

    Hey jade,

    I have been sick now for about 9 weeks with terrible fatigue, breathlessness, joint pain,jaw pain, neck pains, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes on one side of the neck. I got tested for mono twice - both negative. Tested for EBV - positive for past or recent infection (my body didn’t have EBNA antibodies which usually take time to develop so the doc decided EBV test was inconclusive). 

    HOWEVER. Your fatigue can be caused by a virus either similar to mono or another strain. You may have post viral fatigue. I was convinced there was something seriously wrong with me because I was so weak I couldn’t even watch tv or Pour myself a cup of juice (thinking exhausted me.. how strange!) 

    My docs ran tons of tests and scans and have concluded that this must be post viral. I asked my doctor is it possible for a virus to make you this tired for this long? He said yes. Don’t be discouraged, he also said that most people make a recovery from the fatigue, that it just might take longer. 

    Hope that eases your anxiety. I know how much it stinks sad 

    • Posted

      Hi vancityraincity,

      thankyou for for the reply to jade.....this is my results exactly and how I've been feeling...I've had it 13 months now. Last month when i went to see an endocrinologist he reckoned I had a good prognosis for a full recovery in 6 months to a year...(sorry if I have repeated myself) and he said post viral fatigue.its nice to know of someone similar and what the doctors have said to you. This will go, I do loads more now, even though I'm yawning or sometimes can't do it all. It is getting better.

      caroline x

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