I think I may be in perimenopause

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I tried to find a discussion thread for perimenopause, but could not.  Perhaps this group is even better, since it appears to be people futher along the process than I.

I am 44 and over the last year and a half have had heavy periods, clotting, shorter cycles and a lot of anxiety.  I was diagnosed with a fibroid, so I know that is the cause of some problems, but I think I am also in perimenopause.  It's hard to tell because many symptoms are the same.  My doctor said it's not peri until you skip periods, but some of the info I've found on the we disagrees with that and says the periods closer together are a sign.


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    I hit the button too soon!

    Continuing, this month has been really bad.  After the feelings of ovulation, I started getting small bits of bleeding each day for the last week.  It was about the size of a bottle cap.  Then yesterday, I overflowed a pantiliner.  I thought it was my period beginning very early, but it stopped.  Since my breasts have been very heavy and sore, I feel all of this is simply hormone fluctuations and I'm hesitant to run to the doctor.

    Has anyone else had months like this?  

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      Sounds like the beginning stages of going into peri. But I don't think you're there yet.

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    I'm appalled with many of these doctors. My blood work indicated I was definitely perinopausal from women's health clinic at the VA, and informed by my civilian Gyn, and haven't skipped a period yet

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      you ill and when you do i promise you will love life. but maybe youre skip the skipping the period faze. and go right to no period day's. to where when it does leave they won;t  come back my friend done that she was perinopausal. and she was like that for two years. and then just one month she didn't get her period. and it's been about 6  7 years and she just never had a period again.I wish i could be like her but it didn't happen for that like me i'm still in the skipping period mode it just won't leave for good. But you might be lucky just give it somt time

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    im 48 and i hd a lot of really really bad periods the last year or so well for more then a year. i would of had a lot of clotting it would be so bad that if i didn't change my pad every two hours i would bleed through and then times it would be really light and only last about 3 days then really heavy and last about 6 --7 days or sometime's even longer then about 4 moths 5 months ago the hot flashed started and then i went 3 month;s without a period. But it came back this week it's not that bad but its not that good either. just give it time it will change you should be almost out of the heavy period faze. 

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    Hi, I'm for 49 and starting getting very heavy clotty periods from the age of 45. I needed both tampons and pads from day 1-3 changing every 1-2 hrs. I was more frustrated/angry rather than anxious as my Dr was neither sympathetic nor helpful.  

    I later changed to a Dr who specialised in womens health.  I am still perimenopausal with my periods coming or not whenever they decide. My last cycle lasted four days, heavyish the first 2 days then petering off. I had previously not had a period for 3 months before that.  

    Lastly, I will say that we woman are different and unique and we will experience same/similar or totally different things as we experience our health challenges. If you don't like what your Dr is saying shop around or seek a second opinion. Your'e worth it.

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    I think it affects everyone differently but as I entered peri I started to get a few flooding heavy periods and then the gap widened and then I had Constant spotting which went on for weeks, not really coming to a proper period. I knew in myself that I must be entering peri, I think one of the first signs of peri are change of periods

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