i think im going to die :(
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I feel like absoulte crap.
On friday driving home from work i felt really lightheded/faint, my whole body went heavy and tingly i was scared i was dying!
i phoned the doctor and he said i mite be "sensitive" to the beta blockers so advised i came off them (only been on them a week).
today i feel like crap again.
i feel heavy, my eyes seems blurry, i just feel very starnge, its really hads to explain.
I keep getting a stange sensation in my throat but at the moment im not having palps or ectopics.
what could be wrong with me?
my pulse is currently at 84BPM
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kelly13282 meljenk
I found with beta blockers they lowered my blood pressure. I felt very faint and spaced out. I would.go get your blood pressure checked, but take it easy for a few days until u get them out your system. Take care
meljenk kelly13282
my body feel really heavy and i im worried im going to pass out.
ive eaten and im drinking water...im scraed its my heart and its going to stop any minuite
kelly13282 meljenk
meljenk kelly13282
I dont think this weakness im feeling is anxierty.
its like having the flu (i feel weak, heavy) the stange feeling in my throat (below my thyroid) is making me cough
kelly13282 meljenk
meljenk kelly13282
kelly13282 meljenk
Angel91 meljenk
I would give yourself a couple of days off them before you start worrying. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating properly, and then if you still feel like this towards the end of the week go back and see your doctor.
If you came off them Friday, I presume you felt fine over the weekend? These symptoms can be cause by anxiety so if you can, do some distraction and deep breathing techniques.
If it is low blood pressure causing the symptoms, drinking plenty of water will help, if it is high blood pressure causing these symptoms the distraction techniques (from your anxiety) and deep breathing will help.
Of course it could have nothing to do with the beta blockers and may just be that you are coming down with a cold or something.
Either way, providing things don't get worse I would leave it a couple of days then go back to your GP if you are no better. If things do get worse you can go back to your GP sooner.
Please try not to worry. I know how hard that is, believe me, which is why I suggested distraction techniques, because worrying can make things like this worse.
meljenk Angel91
i went to see the first aider this morning as i genuanly thought i was going to pass out he said my ozygen levels were great at 99% pulse was 76 but my bloody bressure was 140/90 ive taken my blood pressure two mores times after that and theyve been :-
119/82/ pulse 71
122/79 pulse 83
Angel91 meljenk
It might be worth speaking to your GP to see if anxiety medication would work better than beta blockers? Since your BP looks great and you have been off the beta blockers for a few days it might be anxiety that was causing the problem in the first place.
Before you went on the beta blockers, what tests did they do? Where the tests only done in a hospital or GP office setting or did they give you a 3 or 7 day ECG at home? That can help decide if your anxiety is simply heightened by going to medical settings and they can help ensure there are no other underlying issues (which is unlikely if previous ECG's were fine).
You say that you took your own blood pressure twice since the first aid team did. Is there a medical reason you keep checking your own vitals? If you haven't been advised to check them by your GP can I suggest stopping? I know it is hard but you may be making your anxiety worse, and if you don't understand the results, including what the normal ranges are, that can make your anxiety worse too.
meljenk Angel91
Ive had numerous ECG's and a 4 day omron monitor. im having a 7 days week monitor fitted on the 28th.
im going to see my GP after ive fifnished with the monitir as i cant be on any medicayion whilst on it.
i just had a blood presure machine and i do use it regualy (my mother suffers from high blood pressure)
kelly13282 meljenk
marie04645 meljenk
But now I am back to feeling very anxious. I am older & had unexplained dizziness since Oct !! Getting better. Had all kinds of testing. Everything ok (for my
age). Now for 3 days I have diahrea . So once again cannot leave the house. My anxiety level is so high the doc wants me to see a "therapist". Maybe I should but excuse me I can't leave the house! Waiting for results of some tests.
Since I was a little girl I was afraid of people around me dying. Now I have lost 2 good friend. We are in this together. Whew.