i've a p-acne vulgaris problem. i'm 24 years old and i'v...

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i've a p-acne vulgaris problem. i'm 24 years old and i've acne problem for nearly 11years. i've tried antibiotics according to dermatologist's prescription. But things didn't get well. in fact i got a serious indigestion poblems due to the adverse effect of those antibiotics. i've tried for two times but i couldn't get rid of these acnes, instead i got those serious infection problems. i've also tried homeopathic, but could't achieve better results. i've recently tried to take some 'tetra-ctl' pills, but sadly two days' dose made serious effect on my digestion. now i'm very disappointed. i sometimes wish that a miracle would happen and i become beautiful again.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm 19 & have been suffering from every different type of acne there is on and off for the past 5 years. :ill: I think the best solution is a combination of specific acne related antibiotics, Dalacin T Topical Solution & and some form of laser treatment, either N Lite or PPx Aesthera both of which are available in central london. N Lite is cheaper but both are approximately 500 pounds or more depending on individuals.

    ps: don't even bother with any treatment unless you are willing to stick at it!!! I was using Dalacin T and saw excellent results, and so I stopped and 7 months later the acne has come back with avengance! .. now it's worse then ever and it won't budge!


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  • Posted

    Hi you may need to consider isotretinoin (Roaccutane) which is effecitve in many patients

    Dr John Ashworth

    Consultant Dermatologist

    • Posted

      Hello Dr. John Ashworth,

      My name is zubair afzali i have acni's on face back and chest since i was 18 now i am 33 but still they appears, i have taken about 120 isotretinoin capsuls 10mg for about  2 months on that time i was ok but when i left taking these tablets they again appeared...any suggestion ?

  • Posted

    Well, I know how you feel because actually I had completely the same problem as you not that long ago and i'm 25 so, at this age you're supposed to have normal skin but no... I tried lots of things (antibiotics, as well). Here and there I read about Roaccutane but believe me, this is the extreme methode (do you know, for example that you cannot get pregnant for a year after taking it?)

    Before you completely ruin your health, try to keep diet (all in all, you have to, no matter what people say), drink water (it may sound foolish but it really makes sense). If we speak about special cosmetics for acne prone skin, I would advise Anna Lotan. I was desperate and realised that it just couldn’t get worse when decided to try it on me. In smth like 2 weeks it started to be better, not kidding! Right now I’m struggling with the post-acne only (got a lot work to do) but yet, there’s a huge improvement! Be patient and good luck! Ther's nothing impossible.

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