I’ve asked about antidepressants before....
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Ok so i have asked this question a few times on here but ive never really gotten an answer to what im asking. So here it goes, my biggest problem with perimenopause is the loss of appetite and intense nausea! Ive lost so much weight i look like a skeleton, apparently my brain chemistry does not like the rapid constant hormone changes. I can handle everything else except the nausea, vomiting, depression and anxiety of perimenopause. I continually suffer. I had a few "good" days where i felt like my old self 2 months ago but now im back to this horrible ick that wont let up. I feel like my last choice is antidepressants, but i dont want to suffer through the long 2 months of side effects if they dont help (i cant take hormones....herbal or natural treatments did not work and ginger doesnt help the nausea) im not looking for any suggestions of other treatments i just want to hear from ladies who had the intense physical symptoms along with mental symptoms of perimenopause and they took an antidepressant and it actually helped. please i am desperate!! I just need to trick my brain into accepting the hormones (i know antidepressants dont fix the problem) but i just cant live this way anymore, im at the end of my rope and if i cant get relief from this i dont know what i will do cause this is no life 😦 Thanks!!
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Ella23ps Guest
Do you have high adrenalines??? Are you adrenaline dominate??? Your post sound like it to me. What does your heartrate run resting and wheb your up and about??? Take your heartrate while lying down. Lay down and rest for 5 mins. then take it. Stand up and take it again right when you stand up. Then stand there for 10 mins. and take your heartrate again. If you can take your blood perssure at the same time even better so do that as well. Then post your numbers I just have a feeling about something. I might be wrong, but if I am right I might can help.
Guest Ella23ps
Nope...no high adrenaline. My blood pressure us actually too low alot of times. I have had my cortisol levels checked like 4 different times they are fine, had my thyroid checked its fine and had my blood sugar checked and its fine...so all that just makes me feel like im nuts i guess
Sassyr12a Guest
Hello brandy.
I'll try and help and hopefully will answer your question. I am in full menopause but have suffered from the crippling anxiety in particular for about 10 years. I tried hrt, bhrt, then back to hrt but had to stop because of ocular migraines. November last year I was at the end of my tether and as a last resort I tried antidepressants. I've tried them here and there over the years but the side effects initially always put me off and I wasn't able to get over that hump to see if they would work. This time my gp prescribed sertraline, and I started on half of the loading dose and have built it up over the last 6 months. They have worked to control the anxiety definitely. I dont have the appetite issue but for me it's most definitely alleviated the worse symptom. I hope that helps. It's really hard to find the right tablet for you but in the absence of any alternative it's worth a go xx
Guest Sassyr12a
Thanks!!! im the same as you i just cant get past the first 2 months of side effects to see if it will help. I tool sertraline years ago after i had my son and it worked wonders, never had any side effects past the first week. But now i have trued 4 antidepressants and i guess where im going through this peri stuff its making me sensitive to its side effects. Im thinking of going back on sertraline cause i am so depressed where i feel sick so much
c14889 Guest
I tried Celexa and it helped. I'm actually on 20 mg now and that has helped. I'm like you; I have lost weight and struggle to keep it on when I get anxious. I hate being on something, but I felt like I have not had a choice. Myo Inositol and Nutra Calm seem to help me too. I'm so sorry. I know how you feel. Hopefully this will pass for all of us very soon!
Guest c14889
Thank you!! Im glad to hear some people say that after they get past the worst start up side effects then they think its worth it. I just have no fight left in me and it will be a hard fight to get past the side effects but i got to do it!
jo0808 Guest
Brandy have you had your thyroid checked out? you might have over active thyroid. weight loss racing heart. anxiety all indicate this problem i was the same way. propanonal can help with anxiety. what about xanax ? dont know much about that one but i do know my mum used it for anxiety. i was so happy for you when u managed to get out & about last month.
Guest jo0808
Yes i did on 4 different ocassions over the years and its fine....it makes me feel like its all in my head if they cant find anything but im not having periods and i cant do that with my mind
rose50420 Guest
Brandy, you will be fine. I also went through all that you are going through. My whole body was checked and everything went well. All they say is hormonal change. Anxiety , lost appetite, lost weight, burning sensations, blear vision. Finally I was given vitamin b specifically Vit B-Denk. It worked for me and is still working. I hope it help you.
Guest rose50420
I would like to get through this without antidepressants. Im so scared to take them again cause the last time i trued them they messed me up for 2 years.
Reneehob Guest
This perimenopause can make you feel crazy . For the past couple months I haven't had a day where I felt like my old self . Ringing in ears,sensitivity to sounds ie feeling on edge when the phone rings . Pulling/vibrating feeling in the chest(that has gotten a bit better). Head feeling like I'm walking on air. My nerves just feel as if its in a heightened state. I have done brain Mri/ Ct scan of temporal bone . All negative . . Insomnia because of these dreaded feelings . Even though I am trying not to take it I have been taking ambien occasionally .However I feel that as soon as I wake up in the morning the vibration/tingling in my chest starts. My anxiety have gotten a better because I realize that these are perimenopausal symptoms and nothing else . In the beginning i was was very stressed and anxious because and was googling everything . Thanks to this group, I realize I'm not alone . I pray for the day when I can feel like my old self again
Guest Reneehob
Thank you! Its nice to know im not alone and your right this hormone junk is awful!! The mental symptoms are bad enough but the physical ones are unbearable. I was just wanting to talk myself into taking an antidepressant so i would "not care" how sick i am all the time....but im afraid it may just make things worse. Some people can take them just fine but my body is so sensitive i go through many weeks of torture and i havent lasted past the 14th week on them cause the side effects are still intense at that point when they shouldnt be. Just wish this would go away so i can be happy to be alive again....i just feel so awful from the minute i wake up until the time i go to bed, there seems to be no relief!
Sgt.lindalee Guest
Hi Brandy, So I cannot tell you what to do but, I can tell you my experience...I have multiple (mild to severe) chronic medical problems and just went off HRT last year...I have been on multiple anti-depressants, only 1 for any length of time due to side effects, they have some nasty ones but, I had some success on Wellbutrin for several years, I had a few mild symptoms that went away after two weeks or so, it was the only one I could use...I understand about the nausea & how bad it can effect you & being able to function...if you can get some relief from that, it can help you deal with everything else better...the constant feeling of puking, queasy, sick is all consuming(may be time to get a RX nausea med, ask your DR before taking meds even OTC esp if you take other meds)...I have taken very low doses of various nausea meds & it helped wonders...used to take gravol (it comes in immediate & sustained release, some countries OTC, some by RX) there is Ondancetron(may have another name, used for morning sickness by RX) I am currently taking Prochlorazine(has other names too by RX)...you may find this will help your anxiety & depression more than you think, if you get THAT under control it may be easier to deal with a new anti-depressant(some of which can cause nausea)...just my thoughts, hope you find some kind of help, if you need to talk come back here!! BEST WISHES💒🌈🎶♾💞🐾🍀☮
Guest Sgt.lindalee
Thanks...it is nice to hear from someone that understands!! I swear i feel like im losing my mind cause the drs all say menopause doesnt cause nausea like this and that i am perfectly healthy but every single day i feel like i have intense morning sickness!! I dont know anyone personally who has went through this with menopause so it does make me feel completely insane 😦 i do use phenergan on those really bad sick days but i hate the side effects of them as well. Antidepressants are just so brutal to my system and they do cause me to feel hopeless.
Sgt.lindalee Guest
Maybe you can try another med for nausea, they should have no problem helping you treat your symptoms, I really wish you all the best...I do understand, if you ever need to chat...Take Care💒☮🌈🎶♾💞🐾🍀💐