I’ve been bleeding fairly heavily for 2 weeks! 46yo. No end in sight.

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I am starting to have bad anxiety over this. Periods started to change about 3 years ago coming every 24-27 days rather than 28, so I figured I was in Peri. This month though my cycle went 38 days, I broke out (legit!) and I’ve been bleeding heavily for 2 weeks today. I’ve had clots, PMS, and back pain. My gyn says just to monitor it. Anyone else experience period lasting for over 2 weeks? So stressful. Never happened before!



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9 Replies

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    Hi, Heidi

    I just turned 48 and have been in peri for about 5 years. I have experienced exactly as you have described. For nearly 35 years my period came like clockwork--every 24 days. 5 years ago, that all began to change. My bleeding patterns became very irregular--sometimes closer together then further apart. I was alarmed to say the least. Over the last 3 years I've had periods (horrific, flooding, clotting periods) that have lasted as long as 17-21 days. I would usually experience this type of period when I've skipped a month or two.

    I went to my doctor and after bloodwork and hormone testing, she confirmed I was in peri. She prescribed low dose bioidentical hormone therapy and that seems to be helping after having been on it for the last three months. My doctor said any imaginable bleeding pattern can occur during peri.

    I'm sorry you are going through this. I understand the frustration and the anxiety. If you continue to have concerns, talk to your gyn, as she may be able to prescribe some therapies that will lessen the symptoms. Big hugs--Sarah

  • Posted

    hi heidi , yes, i have been through this too so i know how you feel .

    they did a transvaginal ultrasound and found fibroids , 2 of them actually and that was causing the heavy bleeding and h because of where they were located . i bled for 6 weeks straight before they finally got it figured out .

    then they put me on fibristal for 3 months and it stopped the bleeding completly for 3 months so it shrunk the uterus and fibroids enough and then when my cycle came back after i stopped that medication it was much lighter and no clots .

  • Posted

    Hi Heidi,

    Yes, a while back I thought I was having the never ending period, it lasted for a few weeks. I've had all kinds of variations. Lately they went back to completely normal after skipping a few months all together. A few things you could try is advil, which for some reason helps the heavy bleeding, and also natural progesterone. When I get spotting, which sometimes felt endless as well, the progesterone cream would clear that up. I made the mistake of complaining about the two week bleeding to my GYN, which led to ultrasounds, which led to them finding a thickened uterus, which led to them recommending a biopsy. I ended up opting out for the test and trying progesterone cream, when they gave me the next u/s everything looked back to normal after 3 months. I've read that it's totally normal for the lining to get thicker during perimeno. However, that being said, it's best to go with what your doctor is recommending, and it sounds like they are telling you not to get anxious about it. Keep us updated.


  • Posted

    I too experience periods that are very heavy with large clots... It's a mess so I feel for you during this time. I also appreciate the answers above because I worry what will need to be done. The next step for me (I think) is an ultrasound just to make sure nothing is going in there. You might want to consider an iron pill and eat foods with iron in it.. I saw a nutritionist and she told me that it was OK to take a couple iron pills when my period is heavy.

  • Posted

    I too experience periods that are very heavy with large clots... It's a mess so I feel for you during this time. I also appreciate the answers above because I worry what will need to be done. The next step for me (I think) is an ultrasound just to make sure nothing is going in there. You might want to consider an iron pill and eat foods with iron in it.. I saw a nutritionist and she told me that it was OK to take a couple iron pills when my period is heavy.

  • Posted

    Thank you to all who answered - it really helps having this forum and finding other women going through the same thing! Xo

  • Posted

    i am in peri at age 43 and have been since i was 36 . 2 years ago i had a bleed that lasted 3 weeks with clots too

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    im fifty my periods for the till i was forty two were like clockwork then subtly i would get a late period and be taking prego tests which i knew i wasnt prego but just making sure now my periods are erractic i had a period in oct then in late january i had spotting for ten days then got a period in late february which was horrid! this is the part that i want to end i can deal with the other hundred symtpoms lol the period i want done i wear pads daily because you just dont know what you will get just know your not alone

  • Posted

    hi heidi, i have just finished a period 28th feb which started, 18th december. This period preceded no periods for 2 months. I had spotting then heavy for 5 days, then spotting for 15 days then awful flooding and cramps for 9 days then spotting for 9 days. My Gp sent me for an urgent TVU which, showed a thickening of my uterus. They attempted a hysteroscopy to take a biopsy OMG the pain was un believable so they stopped. She stated i have stenosis of my cervix as not had a vaginal birth (c sections only). I now have to have a GA and day surgery to have a biopsy and while under they stated they will fit a coil to help reduce the thickening by releasing progesterone. x

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