I've been depressed about my knee

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It's been 2months since I had the knee replacement it's still very painful to bend it I take 2 pain pills before I go to therapy it doesn't help still very painful when therapist bend it I do exercise at home to is it normal that my knee is still stiff and painful use pain cream also it's frustrating anyone else having this problem any advice

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11 Replies

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    Normal for very many of us...


    Kick it out the door. This is a year-long marathon and everything happens slowly. Time, work and patience are your tools...

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      From all the posts I've read on here, #2 is rarely like #1. A TKR is like a box of chocolates...never know what you're gonna get. Hmmmm...thought I heard something like that somewhere...

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    hello, I'm so sorry your having pain. I'm 2 months on the 18th, still having pain and having to take pain pill, (which I hate!) . if I'm on it for very long it worse. please give it time, it will get better, you kneed to do the exercises at home going to to keep the knee mobile. I can't sleep well at night, they say it will pass too. Use heat in the morning to loosen up and ice rain the evening. My ankle also swells a lot but will pass and I have a numb foot which were trying to figure out nerve issues. I too get depressed but still keep positive!! we all heal different. Blessing to you!😊

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    Mine is still painful if I put too much weight on it, so I can only get about with a Walker This eight months after the op.

    No pain at all when at rest.

    However pain is now reducing and day by day, I can put more weight on it. I hope this trend will continue.

    We are all different. All will be well in time.

    Good luck, Jim

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    I have had both knees replaced within 3 months. the pain is something that you have to manage thru pain killers. nobody likes taking them but they are developed for a specific reason. so if you are in that much pain you should go back to your doctor and get the pain doctor to manage your pain for you

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    When you are feeling down - take a walk outside, pop a chocolate in your mouth or out on your favorite music! I also pray which helps me concentrate on others much worse off than I. I'll pray for you and your dark times that they will dissolve away

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    D30462, I agree with Chico M about timing your recovery. I associate TKR recovery with grieving after a loss. There is no rule for a "normal" recovery. Your body will respond on its own time schedule. Similar to you, I am 10 weeks post-op second TKR. This recent surgery was very painful with constant swelling compared to TKR 1, three years ago. During week six, in addition to formal PT, started going to the gym for additional work using the stationary bike, leg press, and treadmill walking. Two weeks later the knee improved dramatically with respect to pain, swelling, and ROM. For me, more movement, increased use of heat and ice, and rest, together with determination made the difference. IMO, sometimes formal PT can hinder progress and prolong the recovery process. Keep moving forward, never stop, and never ever quit. Best wishes and the Lord's blessings for a complete recovery. Regards, RJ, Florida

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    you are not alone!

    im feeling pretty similar. I had my RTKR on 18th May and ive still only got a 90 degree bend. Going to therapy at the hospital weekly, going to the pool every other day, hired a private PT for sessions at hope- still stiff, feel like its in a vice- will this get better??

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