I’ve been depressed for 3 weeks, any thoughts please
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Hi! May i join in this discussion? Cause it seems like i have the same problem.
Im 26 of age and i usually have irregular period, i tend to have my period every other month or 2 months. Then this may 27th came i had a light bleeding that continued up til now. Recently i notices that may breasts were getting larger, this was 5 days ago and my belly is growing bigger. I checked if im pregnant with the pregnancy test yesterday and the result was negative. And i got even more worried.
Do you have any thoughts with this? Thanks a lot!
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olivia81845 athena120712
athena120712 olivia81845
athena120712 olivia81845
olivia81845 athena120712
athena120712 olivia81845
But this day my bleeding stopped. I dont know if ill be happy or nah. I’ll continue observing