I've been having of anxiety, stomach in knots, heartburn, bloating
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It's been so miserable. I tend to be an anxious person; worrying about everything. I guess this might be a contributing factor to my stomach issues. Ive been suffering from horrible stomach pain with a sensation that my stomach is in knots, gnawing.* I also have heartburn, stomach bloating, gas, burping, constipation. I have a prescription for Bentyl, Nexium, for IBS, heartburn, but its not helping. I had a bowel obstruction last year. I wonder if this could be h pylori.
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susan556 desiree10732
Hi know the feelings well, like you a very anxious person, i have actually been found to have literal knots in my stomach which only my kinesilogy lady could diagnose and remove. She told me that two main areas that gets affected by stress is 1 the head and 2 the digestive area. I to have constipation and bloating. Had some really bad things going on to cause stress and i feel its all knotted up again. What can happen is the when we get stressed the muscles in the tummy go into a spasm and takes some of the intestine with it which causes the knot sensation. Twice ive had to have this taken out. Think its happened again. No meds help and even gluten free which helped for a while isn't making any difference now. Obviously others things need ruling out as you say youve had bowel obstruction which i havnt had. Apart from this i feel nauseated most the day but i have M.E. and this my gp said is often the case with M.E. sufferers I also have the burping as well. All im taking is probiotics at the moment.and valerian capsules for mild anxiety. Will be making another appointment to see if the knots have returned again, another £20 ! But i can def feel the relief when she removes them.
EdEire desiree10732
From your description it could well be gastritis + anxiety.
Relax and go easy with food and you need patience to go over it. Try gluten free and see how you get on....
Avoid alcohol and smoking!!
And smile and be positive. That will set you for good start.
biliarydyskines desiree10732
1) endoscopy
2) ultrasound of abdomen
3)HIDA scan for gallbladder
4)H pyroli test
pippa58442 desiree10732