I've been having problems for a week now

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So it started with sharp pelvic pains (right and left, mostly from right). I went to the school doctor and urinalysis said I had UTI, but they sent me for an ultrasound also because I've been complaining of almost a year of absent periods. Ultrasound said I'm polycystic. The OB gave me Cybelle, she warned me about possible headache as side effect. Two days after taking the pill, I had a really bad headache. But I held it together because the doctor said it was quite expected. But three days after taking the pills, the pain started travelling to my abdomen. Soon, my abdomen my hurting all over, but not too much just sharp pains very short. But that sent alarms in my head cause I'm normal a very paranoid person. I went back to the school doctor they asked me what my problem is. Earlier that day my stomach was really bloated, my back also hurt. I couldn't sleep for five hours. I went to bed and I recognized the feeling of extreme hunger. I went to eat and it didn't do much, but when I had my bowel it subsided fairly. But from that moment on I've always had excessive gas, and my abdomen would hurt all over. I was also throwing up but that lasted for only two days. The doctor said it was gastritis they gave me antacids. They said it was probably a side effect of the pills. The antacids didn't do anything on its own so they later gave me omeprazole PPI. It still didn't do much, at least after five days of taking it. My abdominal pains has become my biggest concern now, since it is almost as frequent as pelvic pains which are expected because of the cysts. But my concern is, I have a normal right ovary and a polycystic left ovary. But it hurts more often on my rightside. I suspected a lot, appendicitis, kidney stones etc because the pain would go down my groin and to mythighs and hips and I get back pain occassionally. Not lower back pain specifically, just back pain all over like in my abdomen. I've had normal stools the first five days but the last two days, my stool became very very very soft (doesn't hold shape, sometimes watery) dark brown in color with a hint of red, also a bit of mucus also red) but I only go to the toilet in the mornings. Its like my usual bowel time but the bowel's not the same. I've been passing a lot more gas than before but I can still feel more unreleased. My abdominal pain has not subsided at all, I think they might be getting bad because a while ago, the short sharp pain, isn't too short anymore

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7 Replies

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    By the way I went back to the doctor earlier today, they said the red may be from the food I'm eating(hotdogs and corned beef- very frequently the last days) I think I've also vomitted bile three days ago (pure water but yellowish greenish and really bitter) but maybe it was from the legumes I ate that day (cause of the acid?)

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    Has your doctor arranged any more tests to give you a firm diagnosis?
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      I went to my OB earlier today and she said to get an ultrasound for my whole abdomen. I guess I'll just have to wait for the result

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    Have you had a blood test for basics?

    (like white blood cell count, CRP, liver and pancreas parameters)

    Without that really hard to tell where to start.

    What does 'normal' right ovary mean and how is 'polycystic' left ovary defined in your case?

    I had polycystic ovaries btw, other than mucking up my cycles for a while with a far too short luteal phase (impossible to keep a fertilised egg), didn't cause any pain.

    Working ovaries have multiple little cysts visible in them, only when you have non working ovaries (well pre and post menstruation age), there will be nothing visible in them at all, even with pill sometimes the tiny cysts stay.

    Working ovaries have about 2-5 cysts up to 3cm in them.

    Mostly these findings are noted, written down and used to compare with follow up imaging.

    It always depends how many and how big,

    as a rule of thumb needs around 12 or more cysts in one ovary PLUS a hormone screen (male hormone androgene high) to say, if it was polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or not.

    If your cycles are working, it's hardly a concern unless the one ovary with 'polycystic' has huge ones causing cyst pain (mine was 9cm and no pain) or really many like 15 or more and throws your cycle into havoc and needed more testing.

    (My PCOS btw got better by itself proving docs wrong, but took 2 years. Time and patience is often needed, when there is nothing malignant or blood supply issues, there is time)

    If you ever have anal fissures, you will have bright fresh red blood on top of stool, looks frightening horrid,

    but that's that, you need to tell doc and he/she then looks if it was due to fissures/veins or needed a look into last part of guts with a scope.

    if you had severe diarrhea with puss and traces of blood (e.g. had that with salmonella), it will be like pink, red lines/threads within the slime and pus,

    if you had bleedings further up in the intestine, it might not be visible at all or black. Only an immuno fecal occult blood test can confirm or exclude.

    Note that many red food dyes, no matter if natural (look at watermelon or beet root, oh the joy with beet root) or artificial come out 'red' again. 

    The only way to know is, to have a sample tested. Especially if you continue seeing things and do not fit to diet (which doesn't sound to good given your belly pain. I highly recommend to look up 'easy digestion diet' as long as you have pain. Drinking water to stay hydrated is key, too, especially when loosing so much)

    If your symptoms continue, please go back to your doc, you could have anything, even an intestinal infection like a parasite (e.g. giardia) since you have diarrhea.

    Why not a blood and stool test? If not offered, ask why not, really. Again a stool sample test can clarify and they are easily done and not that expensive.

    I really would like and suggest a few more easy (stool and blood) tests before conclusions. Also for peace of mind. Peace of mind is very helpful.

    All the best!!!!!!!!


    • Posted

      Thank you so much. Yeah peace of mind would be REALLY helpful, I guess that was all I really needed. So I averted from eating dyed foods, and this morning my stool came out light brown, although the consistency is still the same. OB said to get an ultrasound of my whole abdomen. I have 12 cysts less than 1 cm so I guess thats fine? And doctor also said it shouldn't cause pain. So she sent me for an ultrasound. Thank you so much for the time and concern.

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      Oh good, so you stay in the check up loop re ultrasound and ovaries.

      12 cysts could go towards PCO,

      but needs to be re-checked, re-counted, re-measured, sometimes they don't burst and could mess up hormone production = cycle. But it can take a long time, apparently also diet plays a role for functional multiple cyst formation (cyst is not cyst). ? (No experience with it, mine just went from confirmed PCOS to normal within 2 years....)

      Whole abdo ultrasound, good, all organs, very good. A part of search and peace of mind!

      But please ask them anything you would like to know.

      All the best!


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