I've been nauseated every day for 3 years and am starting to become hopeless.

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As mentioned above, I have been nauseated every single day for the past 3 years straight. Not a single day goes by that I am not. I have lost over forty pounds and eat one meal a day if I'm lucky. I have done brain scans, HIDA scans, have had colonoscopies, have done a gastric emptying test, and have checked for parasites. Along with that I have tried multiple IBS medications, antidepressants, natural supplements (like activated charcoal), probiotics, and antibiotics. Truthfully, I come to this forum to seek out any similar stories with solutions, perhaps a solution for myself along with other sufferers.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you asked about possibility of hpylori, through breath or stool test? What antibiotics you have tried till now?

  • Posted

    Have you had an endoscopy to look for gastritis and h pylori? Do you have abdominal pain and have you tried a food diary to see if food is the problem? What had your doctor suggested?

  • Posted

    Hi Tom9478

    What a horrendous time of it you have had for the last three years. A friend of mine had similar problems and she started to use L-Glutamine which is helpful with IBS and stomach related problems. Perhaps give this a go, but get advice from your doctor first. You can purchase on a well known internet site beginning with 'Am' you can get it in powder form to mix with a juice you can drink and tolerate....

  • Posted

    Wow, thanks everyone for the quick replies. Yes, I have been tested for H. Pylori as well as have done heavy metal testing. Also, I have done an endoscopy when I had my colonoscopy performed. The antibiotics I have taken include Doxycycline, Flagyl, Azithromycin, and Amoxicillin. I don't have stomach pain very often at all. It's predominantly nausea and vomiting. Sometimes I do get stomach pain but it's infrequent and inconsistent.

  • Posted

    have you thought about anxiety possibly being the culprit? ive seen a lot of people whose issue was anxiety. i know anxiety made my nausea worse everyday but it got better when i started to see a therapist about it. i have hormonal imbalances after having my son so i deal with nausea bad 2 weeks out of the month now rather than every single day!

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