I've been on 15mg mitrazpine but still having issues

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Hi, I've been taking mitrazpine 15mg for last two weeks and on previous ADs I had insomnia issues. On a positive I can now sleep I or 2 hours after taking and first few days I would sleep most of night but now I find I sleep solid for two hours but then continuously waking up. Thankfully I am off work at mo as I am sleeping on & off till 10am and snoozing during day. I find I gave one good day where I feel motivated to do things then 4 days of feeling crap, not getting out of bed till 3 or later then on sofa. I am extremely ratty too. Will this improve? I feel very drowsy during the day? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks Sandra x

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sandy, I too have been on Mirt, for Two weeks now, just had a new prescription for another two  weeks, of 15 mg per night,

    after about a week, I did start getting better nights sleep, after many years of broken 

    sleep, waking every hour or so..

    mine was prescribed for chronic insomnia and panic attacks..

    well the sleep problem has improved but very sleepy through the day too, as you say you are. My panic attacks however are not resolved, I get them on and of every day, churning tummy, and that feeling of having to run to the loo. And feeling dizzy.

    Got an app with GP on Monday, hope he can explain, why I'm not coping yet with the depression..

    although I do have a chronically sick husband.. And he has deteriorated,last six months, and this is when I got frustrated and panicked with his medication causing very bad side effects.. Kinda off no win situation for me.. Which besides causing depression makes ratty to.. I tend to get annoyed with my hubby,and he can't help his Parkinson's ...but I'm having to deal with it,, and not sure my GP will be very sympathetic ... Hoping you will improve,, the first few weeks are always the worst.. Good luck Sandy confused


    • Posted

      Hi Rosemary, cannot begin to imagine your situation with your husband plus depression...keep strong. I too do not feel my depression symptoms have decreased but as for us both still early days. I ve been taking Ads since October and previous two prescribed caused insomnia and symptoms to worsen so hence these being prescribed. Make sure you tell your doctor everything and see if you can get on counselling waiting list. It will probably help you to be able to talk about everything especially with the care/support you provide your husband. Please let me know how you get on at the doctors. Good luck and take care Sandra x
    • Posted

      Hi Sandy,

      thank you for your message, I find every little bit of support we get, helps. 

      In a small, but significant way.

      someone else mentioned counselling.. Or cognitive therapy, not sure how that works.. Tho.

      we finally had a glimmer of hope yesterday, when I had taken to speech therapy.. She was surprised we had not had social service assessment, 

      we seem to have slipped through the NHS net..

      but she is arranging a visit from, them and a dietician, for my husband, as he has lost 1 and a half stone in less than 6 months, and people with PD , have problems with swallowing,, as does my hubby.

      any way, we have some help going to be put in place.. Hopefully, soonerrather than  later..

      i think I'm going to discuss with my GP on Monday , about coming off Mirt ..

      or seek his opinion.. As the side effects, are not getting any less .

      Not easy when you're app with the GP is only ten minutes .cry

      I will let you know how it goes.

      god bless .. xx


  • Posted

    I take mirtazepine for anxiety, I started on 15mg for sleep which worked, I was then increased to 30mg as 15mg is usually used for sleep. Brilliant for anxiety.
    • Posted

      Thank you Christine. I will give it another week and if no better contact my GP. I'm so glad it has worked for you. X
  • Posted

    You may need to get the dose increased to 30 mg.  once your body gets used to it, you should sleep through the night.  My problem is I have. Agitated clinical depression so although I get a good night's sleep, I have constant palpitTions during the day.  I am on 80 mg propanol which takes the edge off the palpitations, but don't feel "norml" till the evening, then go to bed and the cycle starts up again.

    best wishes


    • Posted

      Thank you Nessie I do hope your palpitations reduce for you. All the best Sandra x
  • Posted

    I have been taking mirt. For about 9 months. Started at 30 then up 2 60 mgs. For severe depression along with lithium. The mirt did start off with making me super groggie, but it did wear off. After about a month. And I also wasn't diagnosed 2 take it 4 insomnia though. It will wear off just give it some time, I to hate that feeling I have no time 2 feel like that, I have 4 kids all of this is very stressfull. And hard to keep under control. Good luck...
    • Posted

      Thank you for your comments MXD I will give it a little longer and hope it goes. I am due back at work 16th feb so hopefully will go by then. Wow 4 kids I could imagine to be very stressful for you. Take care Sandra x
  • Posted


    i would speak to your GP.  60 mg is very high.  The max dose is usually 45.

    • Posted

      Hi Nessie, all of my dosage r petty high. But I'm on a few different meds. I c my doc. N Feb. Im actually trying 2 get off mirt. Because of weight gain. Im normally weighing about 115-117lbs. And now I'm about 135lbs. And a lot of my depression comes from had gaining weight. But thanx 4 the input.
  • Posted

    I agree.  The weight gain is depressing.  In my case it's affected my appetite because I think psychologically, if I eat normally, I'll put on even more weight.
    • Posted

      I too agree. My appetite has truly come back and my cravings for chocolate so I need to be mindful of this. 

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