I’ve been on hypertension tablets for 4 months due to preclampsia/ mouth/throat pain????,,

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Hi guys 

I have been on hypertension tablets for about 4 months, due to preclampsia when I was pregnant with my little girl, I was on mythldopa and now ramipril I have only just come off them today, but I have been getting a sore mouth (tongue and pallet) a cough and sore throat also pain in my ears in bed there isn’t anything visible and have seen specialists! So scared incase it’s serious but thinking could it be a side affect of these tablets? ANYONE ELSE XXXXX

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    charlotte 2203...what hypertension tablets are you taking??? That's important.

  • Posted

    I wrote in the last message, I was on mythldopa and have just come off ramipril x 
    • Posted

      I see our reply’s have been deleted by the moderator Charlotte, it gets a bit frustrating on here at times, as we’re trying to help people people by giving sound advice or trying to help in other ways. 😔

  • Posted

    Hi Charlotte, 

    Please please be very wary of taking advice from strangers on the internet, especally when they may have no qualifications to offer advice such as "Ditch the Ramipril"

    One of the most common side effects of Ramirpil is a dry cough, I don't suffer from that but a friend of mu=ine did so badly her doctor changed her meication.

    Note, HER DOCTOR ADJUSTED HER MEDICATION she didn't just stop taking it and cook up some Broccolli soup, tasty though that may be (I always crumble blue cheese into mine)

    I would urge you to discuss this with your GP before you make any changes to your medication. Have a look at the NHS drug advice site, it lists the common side effects and you will recognise a few of them. 

    • Posted

      jason1098...You provided sound advice. Nobody should ever adjust our stop taking medications without consulting their Dr. first. 

      Rampiril is from the class of ACE Inhibitors & a common side effect of ACE Inhibitors is a dry cough. As long as the person is taking the ACE, the cough will stay, which is why people who have this problem are switched to another medication..quite likely an ARB. 

      Some people on these forums give out terrible advice, i.e. "ditch the meds". Some are very well informed.

      I believe the forum is for us to share our experiences...what resulted, etc. We can also make suggestions as to help one another feel better while waiting to see the Dr. 

      These forums have helped me tremendously. It takes another person dealing with much the same problem to understand. 

    • Posted


      I agree entirely. This is a place to share experience and offer support, not for the unqualified to dish out medical advice. 

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