I’ve been referred for an transvaginal ultrasound but my problem is upper abdominal pain

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I had my gallbladder removed a year ago and have since had problems with constant pain exactly like before my surgery.

After a lot of back and forth (and a couple of hospital stays) they still don’t know what the problem is.

I went back to my gp and was sent for bloody test ( nothing to report) I was referred for an abdominal ultrasound which I was aware of. With that appointment I was sent a referral for a transvaginal ultrasound. Has anyone else had this referral for upper abdominal pain? 

I’m concerned that I have been referred for this scan without any reasoning. Especially when the pain is located where my gallbladder was. 

Any information would be appreciated. 

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, maybe a good idea for you would be to look into adrenal fatigue. I was always wondering why I had this weird pain to the right of my stomach and I checked online what it could possibly be.(I had my gallbladder checked and everything was fine)  It's the adrenal gland. Since I live like it supposed to be with adrenal fatigeu, the pain is gone. 

  • Posted

    Hi casspott

    I have had a transvaginal ultrasound for cyst on the ovary..never heard of TVUSc for a gall bladder!...perhaps blood tests showed something relating to gyni probs...have you asked your doc why you were being referred for TVUSc....if not ask him/her the reason ...my very best wishes to you casspott....

  • Posted

    Hi casspott

    Just re-read your post..it is obvious something was picked up on the ultrasound scan..probably something in your abdominal area..perhaps it was a cyst or fibroid..a report would have been sent to your doc ask him/her what the report said..my best wishes to you casspott.....

  • Posted

    A abdominal ultrasound is a good way to check if your bile duct is clear of stones/ sludge that can cause severe upper pain. They should check liver and pancreas function too when you have pain as well. If these come back abnormal you could have SOD( sphincter of oddi dysfunction) that can also cause severe abdominal pain. And a  gastroscopy to check for gastritis in stomach.    Hopefully is nothing that can't be successfully treated. I can't tell you about the other test you've been referred.

  • Posted

    I had my gallbladder removed in 2015 and had constant upper epigatric pain. Ended up with pancreatitis and they found that my common bile ducts were dilated. I have had an ERCP now and it fixed the abdominal pain. The ducts were so pressured up that the papilla became stenotic and didn't allow fluids through the ducts.  Hope this helps. Also, do you have chronic pain and take pain meds for it? I ask because it's important to the bile ducts.

    • Posted

      No medication helps with the pain. The only meds I take are questran as it is supposed to help bond to the excess bile to reduce aggravation on my stomach and causing another severe pain attack but I’m not supposed to have this medication every day but I have pain every day so I have to keep taking it. It’s just a vicious cycle. 

      That’s great to hear you are feeling better. It must have been such a relief when the pain stopped. X

    • Posted

      Omg you have no idea! I have my life back. Couldnt take trips. It was miserable for my family and friends. I sure hope they figure this out for you. An MRCP may show whats going on.
  • Posted

    You might need a MRI with contrast . you might have a stone stuck in the bile ducts. You might need an ERCP. TO CHECK .that could be you problem. Good Luck girl. 😍😞

  • Posted

    Gallbladder surgery can cause abdominal pain. Ask your doctor about thie complication; it is very common.
    • Posted


      Yeah I know. I just feel like the surgeon who suggested and performed the operation is just fobbing me off rather than trying to figure out the problem and god forbid admit something may have gone wrong after the surgery her performed. X

    • Posted

      Doctors rarely admit when things go wrong.  I had a blood test three years ago and I am still in pain with it. The stress triggered IBS as well. The nurse I saw when I complained, laughed at me and tried to tell me that nothing was wrong when there clearly is something amiss.  I am going back to the doctor at the end of the month to find out what the nurse did to my arm and to see if anything can be done about it.  I will be asking for both nurses to finally apologise to me in person which they as yet have never done,  I will also be suggesting that both of them get the sack. 


  • Posted

    Hi casspott

    You would never be referred for a transvaginal ultrasound for gallbladder problems..transvaginal ultrasound is for gynaecological problems...keep us posted ......my very best wishes to you...

    • Posted

      Hi lilian05079

      I thought this too. I’m hoping it’s just a formality as I’ve heard that abdominal pain can also be caused by a gynalogocal problem so I’m hoping they are just covering all bases. I’m just concerned as there was no mention of this type of ultrasound when I visited the gp, just abdominal. Getting this operation has caused nothing but pain and aggravation for the last year. I’m hoping now I can get some answers. X

    • Posted

      Hi casspott

      A transvaginal scan only scans the uterus and ovaries via the vagina and may pick up the bladder area, but it cannot in anway scan the gallbladder area....anyway keep us posted and updated...this is an interesting one!!..my best wishes to you casspott...waiting to hear from you when you have a diagnosis...

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