I've been struggling since may of this year with delibitating anxiety and panic attacks.

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I had an event that flared my anxiety thru the roof in May. I was so stressed out and even though the said event was handled in September I am still suffering. Been to the er 6 times since may for anxiety and panic which has caused tachycardia. My last dr released me saying he couldn't treat my anxiety so I found a new Dr. She prescribed sertraline 25 mgs and Xanax .25 mgs twice a day. Here's the kicker.....I'm so scared of the side effects I haven't taken the meds. I haven't felt palpitatiins for a few weeks and after going to the cardiologists and having a ultrasound of my heart and wearing the holter monitor for 24 hours. Apparently the anxiety is causing the heart problems. I have terrible health anxiety which I didn't have before so now I'm terrified of any and all meds. Please help

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, I was exactly like you before I started my journey .

    I honestly had no side effects what's so ever f4om day one taking Lustral. I also read that many people haven't had any. Honestly we are all different and also depends how much you believe that you are having headaches etc or how much you believe that the drug will actually help you.

    I was really bad when I started and also insomnia hit me. From day two on 50mg Lustral I came back to my normal self.

    If I only knew that I would have started earlier, had the meds for a month in my bag before I took the decision to take them. Zanax helped me also the first 3 days

    Good luck, I am not a doctor but I would recommend you take them

  • Posted

    Hello gammy I can totally relate to you in all this.  All I can say is at some point you have to just bare down and give it a go you have nothing to lose here in taking the meds.  The Xanax especially will help you  through this with the panic attacks.  I’m not a doctor but I was advised to take those “as needed” for panic attacks which definitely wasn’t twice a day.  I would start out with once a day and if you need to twice day then so be it.  Just until it gets you under control I’m sure at this point you’re aware of the addiction possibilities with benzos which that played a huge part in my fear of using them.  The truth is if you don’t abuse them or take them longer than a few weeks consistently multiple times a day you will be fine in that regard.  The Zoloft I can promise you will need the Xanax while starting that It’s just the nature of the beast it will get worse before it gets better in regards to side effects and that’s why they usually pair them together the Xanax helps the Zoloft getting started.  These are just tools you’ve been given to help in your journey to happiness.  
  • Posted

    Hi Gammy

    Anxiety is awful and I can understand that you don’t want to take anything that’ll make it worse. Similar to another reply I’m not a doctor or specialist but what I do specialise in is living with anxiety. I have a few episodes over the years and mine has returned following stress of university coursework and exam whilst holding down a full time job plus a house three kids and a dog 🐶 In my own personal journey with anxiety sertraline has really helped me. It does exacerbate your symptoms for approx two weeks. As you have Xanax this will help to keep them to a minimal. I usually take 50 mg but have upped my dose to 75 mg. I’m due back in work wed and hope I manage it as being off gives me more time to be anxious over being anxious. I have explained to my boss I have anxiety so really do hope I’m supported

  • Posted

    I can feel the anxiety in your post and o really feel for you . Try and look at this logically,

    The dr wouldn’t  prescribe this unless they felt it would help you 

    You will feel side effects of these drugs and you will probably feel them more than others because you will be hypersensitive and waiting for them

    What alternative do you have at the moment have you tried alternative treatments for your anxiety, yoga, meditation, exercise ?

    Unfortunately there isn’t a easy answer for your problem if you take the meds then be prepared for a few days of heightened anxiety but you will feel the benefits once the pills are in your system.

    Could you write down all of your concerns and fears and go to your doctor and discuss then at least you are fully aware that the side effects are totally normal and this may help alleviate your concerns xxx 

    • Posted

      That’s very true Kerry. When I first took antidepressants I didn’t have easy access to the internet so wasn’t prepared for how I’d feel when commencing treatment. Now we have instant access to the internet and anxious people will fully research the pros and cons. I think we all deserve a cap and gown 🎓 for our hard work. Seriously tho Gammy my personal experience it was worth taking the meds and tredging through the muddy waters until I hit dry land and breathed a sigh of relief. I’m having a blip and have been reading inspirational messages from katiecog and gerrymoo, they are so goo, if you can find them on other feeds their messages are so helpful

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