I've been suffering depression for about 6 weeks
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I've started natural HRT
3 weeks ago, but I am still having depresion and some anxiety. It is so good to read that HRT has helped some of you ladies that I am hoping it helps me so that I can stop taking Clonazepam which was prescribed by my doctor.
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sharPharmD gina24951
susan58415 gina24951
gina24951 susan58415
What is St. John's wort?
Suki_girl gina24951
A herb. You can get it from health food stores or the vitamins section of supermarkets. It is a common alternative remedy.
Suki_girl gina24951
Suki_girl gina24951
gina24951 Suki_girl
Suki_girl gina24951
Yes, I am in peri menopause which started when I was 47. I am now 51. At 47 I started having very heavy irregular periods, anything from 18 days to 60 day cycle. Then I got a gradually dryer vagina. I managed for a few years with coconut oil, vitamin e oil and tonnes of oil based lube during gentle short intercourse. Water based lubes and other vaginal moisturisers stung me or made me swell up ... and I tried many, even getting ones imported from abroad. I tried vagifem which made me swell up inside so much I couldn't even get a finger in let alone my hubbies penis. Those were my only symptoms until this year when i suddenly became completely dry and intercourse hurt no matter how much lube I used. My periods stopped for 6 months and I started getting hot flushes every few hours in the day and night sweats in the night. But I could handle those. I saw my GP and she suggested trying an oestrogen cream for the vaginal atrophy. So I tried ovestin with much trepidation but to my surprise I got on fine with it and it rapidly returned my vagina and vulva to younger, healthily plump and wet. Sex is wonderful, long and passionate. I said my periods stopped for 6 months because this summer they started again and so far they have been a regular 31 days! The same time the periods started again the hot flushes and night sweats stopped. It seems my ovaries started up again. Or perhaps it is the ovestin. I certainly don't think I am out of the woods yet. These days I also seem to have less get-up-and-go and feel a lack of motivation to get going with anything. And that's it. I actually think I am having a fairly easy time from what I have read in these forums. I don't have any depression or anxiety. But then, I have never been a depressive or anxious person. It seems to me from reading these forums that with those who have a tendency for depression and / or anxiety these things get worse with menopause. I have done a lot of information gathering on menopause and HRT when I was trying to find out what might be the best course of action for me. I am a research scientist so information gathering, reviewing evidence and recognising good research from bunkum comes naturally to me. I know that there are a lot of unfounded myths out there as well as some good scientific studies. I don't just accept what the doctors tell me because they have their own biases. For example, I had one doctor back when I was 47 pushing me to go on oral HRT in order to deal with the symptoms early before they got worse - she was an HRT fan and that was her solution to any menopausal symptoms. I am so pleased I didn't take her advice back then.
Why do you ask?
gina24951 Suki_girl
Just wanted to know if you were experiencing the same symptoms due to menapause. I have never suffered from depression/anxiety until now. Apparently I'm post menapausal.