I've been thinking myself as nothing but a failure.
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I am studying Computer Science, and this is my last year. And after the pandemic started, my university went online, and my CGPA started to fall. I don't know why but I lost interest in this subject. So now, most of my friends completed their study and starts their internship and post it on Facebook.
After seeing this kind of my post, I am feeling worthless. I can't concentrate on anything now. I can't stop but think that I might be the only one without any job in my friend circle. I fear my future, my career. Sorry if I am not making any sense, but I can't describe the feeling! Am I jealous? I don't know. But I can't shake them off from my mind. Now I don't find my study interesting anymore. What should I do now? How can I get rid of this feeling?
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jan34534 HasanTushar
One thing I learned in life is don’t compare yourself to anybody else. It does you absolutely no good and what they are doing has nothing to do with you. It’s a complete waste of time.
What you need to do is focus on yourself and what you want to do in life. I’m sure you are still young and you have time to get going and be proud of yourself.
you don’t have to do what everybody else is doing. It just may not be for you. I’m telling you this because I did that for years and years. I would look at people I know who were successful and wish I had been doing what they were doing . Where did it get me? Absolutely nowhere! And believe me, the grass is always greener on the other side. We never know what other people are going through.
So ask yourself every single day ......" what have I done for myself today? " it can be as simple as working out or exploring different career opportunities. Anything you do for yourself is a step in the right direction!
Even if you are a little behind, so what? The main thing is that you are putting 1 foot in front of the other a little at a time. You can do anything you desire. just don’t be down on yourself! we were all blessed with gifts and talents and we need to explore a little bit to see what would be the best fit for us.
Have you ever thought about talking to a career counselor?that would be a great step. even if you talked to a regular counselor About how you’re feeling, they can provide you with some great resources on how to get started on your future. Use the resources!
Concentrate on you because anything else like I said is a complete waste of time.people often go off in different directions eventually so what others are doing really doesn’t matter. It’s your own life you have to focus on.
you would be amazed by listening to a former navy seal who had a really messed up life and with some work and determination he turned his life around. You can find david goggins on YouTube he has several talks on there and he makes anybody want to do the best they can in life! Check him out! also check out the positive affirmations on YouTube.
YOU can do this! YOU are the main priority right now and nobody else! Let us know how you’re doing. Take care ❤
HasanTushar jan34534
Thank you sir for your wise words.
mike24933 jan34534
Jan, I am impressed by your reply. It is spot on!
bernipes HasanTushar
Jan has written a beautiful response here.
I would just like to add that it is normal to have this feeling of "the one in the group/family that didn't succeed". It happens because we are always worried about other people's standards.
And about losing interest in your studies, this was already very common before the pandemic, now it is even more so. With the social distance, many people are having the opportunity to think about things in a different way, and this is not necessarily a bad thing.
You are not alone! Everything will be fine!
kat70344 HasanTushar
While I can't offer any life changing advice, I can tell you that at the very least you are not alone. I am also a CS major, struggling with feelings of failure, and from conversations with peers, I've found that a lot of people in this field struggle with feeling like an imposter or that they're not good enough to succeed in CS (a lot more people than will often admit it right away). And with social media, all of these feelings are magnified. Perhaps you can stay off social media for the time being? That's made a world of difference for my own mental health. On a more practical level, GPA doesn't matter as much as it feels like. A bigger determinant for getting a CS job is whether you are good at coding interview questions (its a dumb metric but we're stuck with it). Have you tried out leetcode? I think practicing leetcode problems can be very helpful in getting you a good job. Of course feeling uninterested in a subject makes practicing problems more challenging but it sounds like you are in a rut (this pandemic has taken a real hit on lots of people's mental health, mine included). Sometimes the only way to get out of a rut is just to go through the motions of doing something that will help you even if it doesn't feel that way at the moment (easier said than done I know, like I said, I don't have any life changing advice). Anyway, I'm sorry you are experiencing all of this and I truly hope that you can find a good job that can renew your interest in CS. Please reach out if you would like someone to talk to.
HasanTushar kat70344
Thank you ! I'm already trying to stay off from the social media . But it is more difficult then it looks.