I've got rather a weird "problem"

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Hi all,

First some basic info - 

I had hysterectomy nearly 3 years ago.

(all is fine except for menopausal symptoms - the usual suspects)

I've put on weight on my tummy, I've never had excess weight there before.

So am trying to diet, it's hard to exercise as I have a disability which affects my balance.


For the past 3 weeks when I go to the loo (urine) all is fine.

2 to 5 minutes later I can feel a "bubble" "down there."

There doesn't appear to be any fluid most of the time, if there is, it doesn't smell of urine. I do get quite damp "down there" due to hot sweats etc.

Another 5 minutes and the feeling has gone - weird.

I have had a chest infection and do cough a lot, but don't pass any urine unless I go to the loo.

Any ideas


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    hi Wen

    i kinda know what your referring too, i have on ocassion felt like an air bubble sensation below, not sure if its bladder related or vaginal trapped air pocket ..

    its a really hard one to explain in how it feels but i have had this type of sensation on occassion, almost tickly air bubble, and you think ' has something leaked' when it hasnt ..

    jay x

    • Posted

      hi Wen

      i just came across this snippet..

      air bubble sensations out the urethra -- can be related to the digestive system -- may indicate a digestive problem of some description..

      thats all i can find, i dont worry about it when it happens .. but never thought it was to do with digestive 😮

      jay x


    • Posted

      Thanks soooo much, I thought I was unique lol.

      I thought as I'd put on the weight, that it may be tum pressing down there.

      I do pelvic floor exercises, have done since before op, I'm doing more now, just to strengthen things - don't want anything falling out of place !!!

  • Posted

    is your bubble like 'a fanny fart'

    we all get them. i think its just air.

    i am 67 and still get hot flushes. i wish i knew why.

    i feel this trigger about 2 minutes before i colour up.

    if its cold in the house, it gives me time to take some of my lareys off.

    i also take the opportunity to grt to the lou in thr cold of the middle of the night.

    thats my cunning plan.

    try yoga to lose weight.it tightens your skin over your muscles and makes your body feel taut.its also very   calming.

    • Posted

      Thanks for replying,

      It seems to be just air - if I press my legs together, it releases it (sometimes) It just feels so weird. I only get it after going to loo.

      I cool off the same way at night, by going to the loo.

      Yes, I've been doing yoga for years. It's helped in other ways.

      My mum had a few "late" hot flushes. I remember her having a chat with her doc, who did a blood test, she was on some pills (sorry, can't remember what they were) but the pills didn't suit her. But it might be a good idea to ask your doc

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