I’ve got these weird bumps on my coochie???

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Im getting a pap smear and std test done in a couple weeks. i was wondering if anyone else has this? i think its vestibular papillomasis (idk how to spell it) i was wondering if anyone else has this???

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I keep overthinking it. Someone please tell me theirs looks like this too! 😦

  • Posted

    I literally just joined this website for problems that look almost identical to the bumps on the vaginal wall...I'm freakin out. Hope someone has an idea as to what it is. I have a doctors appointment, but not for a week and I'm going crazy with anxiety. From researching, I thought maybe HPV, but it doesn't really look like the "cauliflower shape" they describe or the pictures on google. Have you experienced any itching or tearing down there?

    • Posted

      no itching or anything at all. YES! Thats why i joined too! idk i didnt know if it was normal or not bc everyones vagina is different. I think its just how my body is. Ill let you know the results whenever i go to the doctor but that isnt for another few weeks. I feel fine though. I think im over reacting. Everyone ive had sex with didnt have anything at the time we had sex. My bf said he got tested too and he doesnt have anything but you never know.

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      Everyone ive had sex with supposedly dont have anything so im not sure what it is. It dont itch and im going to wait a few days to see if it clears up.

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    My bf fingered me really hard the other night and his fingernails cut the inside of my vagina which resulted in me bleeding. The bleeding has stopped and I have used the bathroom since then and Ive wiped a lot and i think it may have causes irritation. He also did it again last night. It scaring me bc these little sores just showed up today. If it doesnt go away in a couple days im going to go to the er. Ive never had this before. I think its just irritation and i always wipe super hard sometimes too hard enough where i bleed. image

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      It also doesnt itch either. My bf said he got tested and he doesnt have anything but ive never had any issues like this before!

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    Im blowing this up but like that bottom pic is from this morning and now it looks a lot better. Its not as red and im still having some slight bleeding but its from my boyfriends nails being a little long and he cut me a little and he was being very rough with me. Its healing very fast and i dont think its hpv or anything like that i think im just super paranoid. its not a cauliflower shape or anything like that. Ive talked to everyone ive had sex with and they say they dont have anything and have been tested. My boyfriend has been tested as well.

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