I've got two children under 3. but I'm so ill everyday I think I can't cope. any advice plz ? x

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Hi everyone. I've never been on a forum before but I'm starting to get worn down and could do with some advice. Here goes... Every day I wake up and within 5 mins my head is pounding I can barely stand the light also I have asmaha and it starts up bad at same time as headache coughing and coughing. I use my pumps the doc has given me a different steroid one but it's not helped. I feel so tired some days I can Hardly move never mind look after my children. (Son ages 2 3/4 and daughter 16 months ) and there very active so need to be on my toes. I get to the point I'm nearly passing out and not dizzy pass out.  Fatigue pass out. I'm getting chest pains daily to the point I have to stop walking because the pain is so intense then it just settles down and stays there for a bit like a dull pain until I exsert my self again. Also the pain goes into my teeth. When I get really tired everything seems to feel sureal. I've been doctors again and again  n they just don't seem to take me seriously. But this is very serious to me today I feel so tearful I'm just so fed up of feeling ill I cannot bare the headaches and general feeling of being unwell anymore. Everyday is turning into a fight rather than enjoying my children I'm snapping at them. The doc has refurred me for a brain scan but never gets back to me I just want to k ow what's wrong I don't think I need a brain scan. Anyways essay over any advice would be much appreciated xxx

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh my goodness, you sound poorly and with a dr that's about as much help as mine is.

    I was promised a brain scan for headaches---never got it tho.

    best bit of advice I read here us to always describe your symptoms as they are at their worst. If you feel not so bad and say that, then you'll just be sent home with another set of pills.

    i think you need to look at all your symptoms separately and then together.

    could the coughing, breathlessness and chest pain be an infection? Virus with a secondary infection?

    could you have become allergic to anything or do you have anything new in the house you could be allergic to? ( new type of duvet or pillows, or change of laundry detergent? Any new pet or visiting someone with a pet?) 

    im not surprised you feel tearful feeling unwell when you have 2 small children to care for. 

    I think you might need to get tough with the doctor--could your mum or sister or a friend go with you as back up? Write down in advance everything you've put here, and stress how debilitating they are, especially chest pains stopping you doing things. And tell him/ her you want it all investigated. 

    I'm sure you can get to the bottom of it and it can be put right but you shouldn't have to fight for it.

    take care of yourself and let us know how you get on. 


  • Posted

    Hi sophie,

    i know how you feel. at least i think i do.  are your headaches normally on the right side, running from your temple down and down to your jaw?  i had this problem for years and had absolutely no joy from doctors in the uk and then the usa.  i ended up spending fortunes having scans and probes and tests which turned up nothing. which brings me to now and i am in brazil spending even more money on tests etc, but the allegergist here did suggest 1 thing that i just can't understand why no doctor yet had thought of it, when i showed him where the pain was he immediately said "you have trigeminal neuralgia, there is a drug for that".  so i have been taking Carbamazpine for

    the past week and have been headache free for the first time in 6-7 years.

    you can look the drug and the condition up on the internet, they will link to each other

    it is driving me crazy that it took me so long to get here.

    of course, as with all meds perscribed by allergists, it is purely symptom treating and does nothing to make you better, but wow it feels good to be without the headaches.

    our real problem lies in the malfunction of the h-2 and h-3 receptors on our mast cells.

    this is what gives you asthma as well.  doctors seem to be led by the pharmaceutical companies and the pharmas make far too much money poisoning us with anti-histamines and steroids to look into rehabilitation of the h-2,3 receptors as they could lose a lot of business if we were to suddenly start to get well.

    for now, watch your diet, keep away from tomatoes esp. tomato paste and sauce, aged cheeses, vinegar, citrus fruits and seeds also anything fermented and most especially alcohol. take a look at the site 'the low histamine chef'.

    phewww i wrote a lot i hope it helps


    • Posted

      Thank you for the information. Even though not meant for me, it's another thing I can look into. My dr has just fobbed me off with migraine preventers, even though I've told umpteen drs these headaches are new, they're not migraines. The tablets have stopped working after just a few weeks (drs answer is take more pills) and I'm so fed up feeling I'll all the time. 

      This site has been such a help--- getting information and knowing I'm not on my own.

      thanks again.

  • Posted

    The MRI should get to the bottom of it, or at least rule out the worst possible cause.  You should be checked for Lyme Disease.  Headache, chest pains and body aches are the main symptoms.  Also, have them check for a Chiari Malformation when they do your MRI.  Not too many doctors have ever heard of it, but it could just be what your problem is.


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