I've had a headache for about 13 months?

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I've have a constant and I mean constant dull headache, everyday, every minute, every second. I don't get a rest from it at all and i've been suffering for over a year now.

I've been on Amitripilyn, Fluxocilin, Amoxcilin, Gabapentin and now i'm currently on Co-Amoxicla (sorry if they are misspelt).

I have also been taking 30mg / 500mg of co-codomol / solpadol and I've probably taken around 300 of these over the past 6 - 12 months. My doctor ruled out cluster headaches as my headaches are different from those in regards to where they originate.

Yes I understand what co-codomol is and I understand the risks however I am now to the point where ending my life is becoming increasingly tempting and I really don't want to do that.

Then recently i've developed a really bad chest infection and a blocked nose which has been present for about 9 weeks now. Anyway I then went to another doctor and they noticed I had a polip in my nose so they have reffered me with ENT specialist however I'm not 100% confident that this is what is causing my constant headaches.

I always feel them coming from my shoulders / neck and up the back of my head and it kind of just sits ontop of my head aching constantly.. It's also worth mentioning that if I jolt my head forward fairly quickly, I get the pain shoot into my head which is completely immobilising.

Does anyone have any similar issues they have received a diagnosis for? I'm just out of ideas now and as I say I really don't believe that the ENT specialist will be able to help me as it feels like a nerve / muscle issue.



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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I also get server vertigo around once a year which can pop up at anytime and it's completely life ruining, i'm constantly living in fear sad
  • Posted

    I know how awful constant headaches are---I think we all do here and will try to help.

    first, ask your doctor for blood tests. Could you have an underactive thyroid? Just learnt that this can cause headaches.

    next, have you had a scan? Really worth pushing for it with your dr.

    While you're waiting for these, start on the basics. Rule out things like food reactions. It's rally boring but try a diet of rice, chicken and fish and seemed vegetables. Take a Vit. C tablet or drink as lots of citrus fruits trigger migraines. Stick to this diet religiously for a month to see if there are any improvements. If you're a coffee and tea drinker reduce these gradually. Cutting out the caffeine quickly can cause reaction headaches. Try to drink lots of water instead.

    steam your head gently. Bowl of water with hot water in it, head over bowl, towel over head and breathe. It's cheap and might just work.

    also try some relaxation exercises. I know it's difficult when your head is pounding and you want to rip your face off but it might help.

    Good luck--- push your GP for a scan and blood tests tho. I can't understand why the UK is so slow to carry out tests that's are simple. In Europe it's the first thing that's done!

    • Posted

      Wow you have gave me loads to think about and do! and yes i do get a slight ache in my ear along with a blocked nose everyday so it does sound like a sinus issue.

      Well i've been referred to the ENT specialist and i'm on a strong course of antibiotics so if those things don't resolve it and the ENT doesn't find anything of concern. I will then go back to my doctors and push for the scan and yes I'm booked in for a blood test so fingers crossed.

      I really appreciate your advice and hopefully it stops the problem! smile

  • Posted

    Ah, the vertigo gives another clue. I suspect it's sinus, or middle ear. Did you ever have glue ear as a child?  You only need a small imbalance of fluids trapped in your head cavities to cause problems.

    first time I had sinusitis I'd no idea what it was. I'd i crouched down to pick something up, I couldn't stand again. It was scared, convinced myself I had a brain tumour.

    it was simple to treat once I found what it was. I used lots of steam and Otrivine nasal drops.

    • Posted

      I don't suppose "glue ear" would cause me to feel like someone was cutting my face off with a stanley knife when decending in a aircraft?

      I was on my way back from spain a few months ago and it literrally felt like someone was cutting down my face and it literally made me jump out my seat with the amount of pain.

      hmmm rolleyes

    • Posted

      I smoke a lot and i've just read that this can cause "Glue Ear", so i will mention this to the ETN but im sure they know what they are doing wink
  • Posted

    I think you've cracked it---sounds like sinus. Especially with the airplane problem too.

    i found dairy made mine worse. I have just skimmed milk in tea and cheese ( I'm vegetarian so got to eat something!) anything like yoghurt, from age frais immediately gives me blocked sinuses and headaches.

    Try the steam---lots, several times a day and ask a Pharmacist about the Otrivine drops. You can get salt water sprays too and a salt water sinus wash but it's a bit grim to do. I think a Pharmacist would advise you.

    best of luck 

  • Posted

    I have also been suffering with pain and pressure for last 5 months and been prescribed several types of medication which didn't help. I learnt that the more pain killers you take the worse the pain will get so have stopped pain killers completely. I have finally seen a neurologist who was so understanding and I have been told that I have neuralgia and nerve damage caused by a bout of pneumonia I had at the beginning of January. Apparently my head goes into spasms hence the really bad days I suffer. Unfortunately there is no quick fix but she suggested exercising my neck and having neck massage whilst waiting to be referred to a pain clinic where I will apparently receive injections to ease the pain. I will also be having a MRI scan to make sure nothing nasty lurking but at least now I know what I'm dealing with and no longer feel like I 'm going crazy!

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