I’ve had a stiff neck and pain in the neck and now shoulder for nearly 5 weeks.
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I was told last year that my hormone levels were extremely high and am now going through Peri M... my joints have been suffering so bad and I know have had a stiff and painful neck and shoulder for over 5 weeks, has anyone else experienced this? beginning to panic now as suffer from anxiety and have already just gotten over a gyny scare!
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caroline62395 suzycoon
I have the exact same thing, my neck aches and I have pain at the top of my collar bone, I was scared at first but like all my other symptoms they have been going on for 4-5 years so I have just put them down to peri-menopause .
I never suffered anxiety before but now have health anxiety, I worry about every single ache and pain, I have had every medical test going, I am reassured for a while but then it starts again. I am currently feeling a vibration through my feet!! Every week feels like I have a new symptom. x
amanda59745 caroline62395
caroline62395 amanda59745
suzycoon caroline62395
amanda59745 caroline62395
juanita93228 caroline62395
Hi Caroline. Don't Google, it will send you over the edge. One lady's doctor told her to stop Googling because it always ends in bad news. In other words it always take you to the worse case scenario. Dr. Google is bad. I had to stop. And yes it will end. I'm still having some issues, mostly depression and health anxiety, and dry eyes. Something new may appear and of course you think you're dying. But the joint pain is mostly gone, no hot flashes or night sweats. I can't take HRT, so I take a good multivitamin, drink water, pray, joining a gym next month(yoga and weight classes). I also started seeing a therapist. I try to eat reasonably well(that is still a work in progess, Lol). My doctor just started me on Lexapro, and she gave me Valium to take on an as needed basis. We're going to make it, just think, our mothers did it(granted the doctors wanted to put them in the looney bin, and they were constantly told "it's all in your head"
. But now we know it's a very real thing. If it were easy men would do it. Men wouldn't make it past the first hot flash.
caroline62395 juanita93228
suzycoon caroline62395
It’s reassuring hearing that so many others are suffering similar ailments,?ive also had the vibration sensation I thought I was standing near a generator or something as it started in a supermarket, it then went to my lady region which really freaked me! lasted on an off fir a few weeks, comes back every now and then! Our bodies are so strange! ❤️
juanita93228 caroline62395
You are not a hypochondriac for sure. My therapist told me in my first session yesterday that women are natural worriers(whether they say they are or not) and perimenopause and menopause just heightens it. You come here anytime and talk. I can remember my sister going through it 12 years ago. I remember her husband driving her from doctor to doctor. She said it was a dark period in her life and she won't even talk about it. I'm also glad I found this forum. it has been a Godsend for me.
caroline62395 juanita93228
amanda59745 suzycoon
suzycoon amanda59745
Eliaimee1970 suzycoon
suzycoon Eliaimee1970
Wishing you well and ailment free hugs x
Eliaimee1970 suzycoon