I've had anxiety for years! trying first antidepressants sertaline ever for some question

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Hi everyone

I'm a 29 year old female who has suffered with anxiety since  I was a teen.I always got through until this last year. I moved in with my boyfriend and started suffering sever panic attacks. He's so wonderful listens and comes with me to my CBT everyweek. Well I finally gave in and decided to take sertraline. I was started on 25 and now am on 50 for the last 3 weeks. Total ive been on it for 2 months. I'm someone who gets side effects to any med I put in my body. Well to begin skin crawling, more anxiety...heavy legs, exhausted during the day so I take at night now which helps a bit. Laziness and I'm far from a lazy person. Sweating alot etc. I seemed to do really well for 2 weeks on 50 but now my anxiety is back and it scares me.

I was up all night mind going and when I began to have an attack it felt like my body was getting electric shocks all through my arms and legs. I am prescribed xanax as needed but feel I take it almost 2 to 3 times a day depending how I feel. Can anyone give me some insight into this world? Not sure if I should continue or change or go up. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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4 Replies

  • Posted


    I'd suggest talking it through with your GP. It may be that Sertraline isn't right for you?


    Lisa x

    • Posted

      Thank you will do I have an appointment next week!

  • Posted

    Hi! I would see about changing it. I've been on it now for fourteen years and because I was taking with other meds, had no idea that it was causing so many side effects. I also was getting skin crawling sensation and numbness. Good luck Hun x
  • Posted

    hi rach20849,

    this is normal i think, i had that tingling also, and constant yawning too for some reason!! you might notice you have a dickie tummy too so watch out for that, you might be ok, i've only had that a few times and i've been on it for 10 months now, but it's worth it all, i've had depression and anxiety for years and tried other medications and remedies before, nothing has sorted it out before for me and i've continued to struggle through, but sertraline has helped me no end, couldn't rate it enough, yeah you're still going to have off days, but that is normal, it's life, but it does take a while to settle and you have to find the right dose for you, takes between 6-8 weeks to get into your system properly but you will notice. i'm more or less back to my normal self, it's great :-) stick with it and keep in touch :-)


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