I've had bladder and bowel problems for nearly 6 years now and I'm loosing the will to live.
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A little about myself, I am 23 and have 3 children.
After my first child I had a lot of back pain but put it down to the fact I had an epidural and several spinal blocks.
After my second child that is when the bladder problems started. I was constantly wetting myself even if I had just been to the toilet. There was never any warning that I needed to urinate, just a sudden urge to go.
After my third child things got a lot worse.
My symptoms now;
1-Constipation and diarrhea, sometimes even in the same toilet usage.
2-Sudden urge to urinate
3- Double voiding - passing large amounts of urine, pushing on the lump/mass/bulge inside the vagina and managing to urinate again
4- Irregular periods (last period 1-10-18)
5-Pressure on the coccyx bone - feeling of fullness
6-Passing lots of rectal mucous
7-Intermittent vaginal bleeding -pink, red and brown
8-Extreme bloating
9-Cramps whenever I use the toilet
10-Not being able to pass stool without moving the bulge in the vagina.
11-Bulge in vagina, which I think may be connected to a urethral problem as it looks slightly swollen - Bulge expands when straining
12- Severe lower abdominal and back pain
13,- pain during sex
I cant live like this any longer. I've vseen several doctors over the years who just gave me sachet drinks and suppositories. All of which made my symptoms worse, it wasn't until I broke down and said that i would rather be dead than in pain everyday not knowing what is wrong with me. It's also not fair on my children to see me crying all the time.
They have done a vaginal and rectal exam which they said felt normal, my vaginal walls were a little thick but they couldn't feel the same bulge I could. I have had a transvaginal scan (pelvic scan) and all came back clear. I have a retroverted uterus but was told this was normal, along with a small fibroid in my uterus but was assured neither of these were causing my problems.
I've had extensive blood tests all of which have been normal too.
I am on the brink of giving up so I am hoping someone will read this and be able to help.
Thanks in advance, sorry for some of the tmi but I didn't want to leave anything out.
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pippa58442 charlotte11610
Have your doctors suggested any diagnosis at all? Your best bet is to keep going back to your doctor because none of us here are doctors and therefore cannot give you answers. Have you been tested for vaginal infections since you have bleeding or have you had tests for UTi infections? Fibroids can cause bleeding. Keep pushing for more tests and ask if any tests need to be repeated. You have a lot of symptoms that could be any number of things. Have you had tests such as an ultrasound, CT or MRI? Consider a stool test/colonoscopy to see what may be causing diarrhoea and constipation.
Bladder problems along with fecal incontinence can occur after giving birth. Has this been suggested to you? Keep going back to your doctor and ask if there are other specialists you can see. such as a gastroenterologist and urologist.Get as many opinions as you can.
charlotte11610 pippa58442
Hi thank you for your reply. They have not given me any form of diagnosis and nothing for the pain either.
I have asked to be referred and they put one through for a GI appointment.
They have never asked for a stool test, all tests for infections/STIs/STDs came back negative/normal.
I have had an ultrasound and a transvaginal ultrasound. Other than nothing else.
For some reason I don't think the doctors are taking this seriously and I honestly don't know what to do.
I have this GI appointment coming up I'm just not hopeful they are going to run and helpful tests and I just want to know whats wrong with me.
pippa58442 charlotte11610
All you can do is insist on further tests and perhaps even change your doctor. Even consider going private.
mary19068 charlotte11610
Hi charlotte11
Ask your doctor to refer you to a Urologist where you will have a CT Scan and a Cystoscopy to check what is going on inside your bladder. The Transvaginal Scan would have been looking for ovarian cysts and fibroids. It seems you have had most tests except the Cystoscopy. Where there's pain there's something causing it. Have you had a stool test? also you say you have had blood tests did they include iron and B12 ask your doctor because deficiency can cause some of your symptoms i.e urine frequency,, sudden urge to urinate and gastro problems and bloating.. Also have you had xrays of your coccyx?....keep going back to your doctor if your symptoms continue..
charlotte11610 mary19068
Hi Mary
Can I just ask them to refer me? Will they do it if they don't think that there is anything wrong with me as I have had to push for so long just to have the little tests I have had.
The blood tests included everything all of which came back normal.
They haven't done any stool tests recently but have done in the past and there was no infections and everything else was normal.
I have had no X-rays. Literally just the scans and blood tests.
mary19068 charlotte11610
Hi charlotte 11610
If you are still experiencing urination frequency and having unexpected urges to urinate it maybe something is pressing on your bladder. You are entitled to have your bladder investigated if it has not been investigated since you have been experiencing urination frequency etc., do you have pain when you urinate?..Also, the bulge you mention in your vagina has that been investigated? Were you told that the bulge was the thickening of the vagina wall?..Where exactly in your vagina is the bulge situated?....yes you can request to see a Urologist because frequent and urgent urination is not normal....and when you see the Urologist he will undoubtedly order a cystoscopy and a CT Scan of the bladder area...
charlotte11610 mary19068
The bulge has not been investigated. I have been examined but only lying down and they've said they cant feel anything. I find its more prominent when I am sat down or standing, it also expands into the wall of my rectum when straining. Sorry for the TMI.
I will get on to the doctors first thing in the morning as I feel like they're not taking me seriously enough.
Thank you for all of your help.
mary19068 charlotte11610
Hi Charlotte11610
Yes see your doctor because it sounds as if you may have a prolapse of some kind could be bowel or uterus..perhaps this causing pain in your back and causing the bladder problems. Do ask to see a Urologist as they may pick something up because they will carry out a cystoscopy and CT Scan.....keep us posted....
Imnotadoctor charlotte11610
Hi Charlotte,
Have you seen a urogynaecologist? I have had bowel & bladder problems and know how difficult it can be. It must be very difficult for you at such a young age with 3 little children to look after.
I have had 2 prolapse operations which have helped a lot. If you do have a weak pelvic floor you need to be very careful lifting, difficult with children I know. It may not be this but it's something you may want to get checked.
I mention pelvic floor as if you have a prolapse then it can affect your bladder & bowel function. There are lots of tests & things they can do but you need to get this fixed as you are young & need to get on with life & your lovely family. I understand urogynaecologists have extra training than gynaecologists, mine (in the UK) was excellent. I still have some issues but I'm in my 50's so my pelvic floor is not what it was!
Don't give up. Good luck. x
charlotte11610 Imnotadoctor
I haven't seen anyone other than the doctor's and the radiologist for the scan. They have only just put a referral through to GI after telling them I would rather be dead than in pain everyday.
It is extremely difficult with the children because I can't get out as much as I used to for fear of crying in pain in a public bathroom. They get me through it though.
I am going to be calling my doctor and asking for some extra referrals and tests because I have had more help from all the lovely people who have taken time out of their day to respond than I have off of them.
Thank you
Imnotadoctor charlotte11610
If it turns out to be a prolapse have a look at the genitourinary prolapse community on this site. You will find you are not alone, I had lots of help and support when I really needed it. Also there are some very useful information pages on there too. X