I've had horrible wrist pain on and off for 4 years. What should I do?

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Hi, when I was younger I injured my wrist, not really sure what I did to it, I think it was just a sprain. Ever since then my wrist is really painful all the time when doing simple day to day things. I have been to the doctors loads and had x-rays and ultrasounds. All that has been said is I have a gangleon and inflammation in my wrist and that it will go away. This was just over a year ago now and my wrists still constantly hurt. What should I do?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Abbey

    My wrist has been hurting for years.  I think it's because in the past I have fallen and landed supporting myself with my wrist. The last time I had it x-rayed they told me it was shattered and there was nothing they could do for me.  That was about 4 years ago.  I visited the hospital again and saw another consultant 18 months ago.  This time the consultant looked at the previous x-ray and when he saw me I was shocked because he offered me a complete new wrist.  This is how things have improved.  If you aren't satisfied keep persevering until you get some satisfaction.

    Brenda x

    • Posted

      Thank you, going back to the doctors soon to see if there's anything they can do x

  • Posted

    Does it feel like a sprain? How much movement do you have in your wrist? I have experienced the same thing and I have tendonitis in it. As said above, keep nagging the doctors until you're satisfied. In the mean time, you could do some gentle exercises like rolling it for 5/10 minutes a day. If it gets really painful, you could buy yourself a wrist brace - but try not to wear it for too long as your muscles could become weaker. Hope this somehow helps.

    • Posted

      Hi, I guess it does feel like a sprain. I was in a wrist brace for quite some time a couple of years ago but stopped wearing it. I sometimes use support bandages for my wrists when I'm having bad days with them. And thank you I will keep persevering with the doctors x

  • Posted

     had same problem with my wrist. It happened during pull ups in gym. It wasnt sudden but slowly slowly it damaged. Doctor told its a tricep tendon tear and wrist muscle tear. I was getting ultrasonic therapy for 30 days and did muscle strenthening exercise. Now it is fine and have started lifting weight in gym. but now im very careful while lifting weights and doing pullups.

    I would suggest you to check with good doctor and do some strenthening exercise for your wrist.

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