I've had stomach pain and diarrhoea for 4 weeks,what could it be?
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I've been suffering with violent diarrhoea and stomach pains for the past 4 weeks, where I have been going to the toilet around 8 times a day, without a lot of warning to get to the toilet! I've had blood tests that are normal and stool test that confirmed that it wasn't food poisoning or gastroenteritis. Initially, the Drs thought I had a stomach ulcer as I had passed black stools, however I haven't had any instances since and now they are unsure of the cause. I've been advised to go on a gluten free diet in case I'm coeliac, however I've been doing this for over a week and I've had no improvement. I'm awaiting an ultrasound to see what's going on in there but I'm getting frustrated that I have had no improvement so far. Anyone had a similar issue or any ideas? I feel so poorly and fed up.
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ramon00999 marymop
ramon00999 marymop
philippa61759 marymop
Ask for a celiac blood test and an endoscopy so that a stomach biopsy can be taken. However, before these tests you will need to go back on gluten otherwise the test will show a false negative. Also ask for a colonoscopy an get tested for parasites and h pylori.
Ask about IBS which can cause these symptoms. Does your pain improve after your bowel movements, does It move around your stomach or is it all in the one place and does it come and go? Do you have incomplete evacuation of your bowels? If all your tests are negative, IBS can be diagnosed.
I have IBS and have constant dull stomach pain which moves around and changes in type and intensity. I have had constipation and loose, frequent stools with nausea. Sometimes I have bad flare ups. It took me three and a half monrhs and eight visits to different doctors to get an IBS diagnosis.
marymop philippa61759
I've had a celiac blood test and I'm awaiting the results. No one seems very bothered and I'm getting very annoyed even though they are requesting things as urgent, there is no urgency for anything!!!
If this turns out to be IBS, what things do you do to ease your symptoms?
ramon00999 marymop
philippa61759 marymop
rick76319 marymop
marymop rick76319