I've plucked up the courage and I'm going to go!!.
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Hi ladies'
exacly as the title says.......
i got put off going probably about a year ago, the doctors were rude obnoxious and blatantly horrid, today I've demanded I see a lady GP she is a mature lady and my friend has recommended her.
ive been In per for 22month I'm 47 and my main issues are my aching body, tightness of the chest acid reflux which I'm on medication but doesn't seem to be helping me.. Headaches everyday and a lot more of the damned symptoms....
however for 2weeks before I'm due to come on I feel Absolutly bloody awful like I have been run over oh and don't get me started om my mood swings I'm vile like a banshe on smack, I'm really loopy lar.......
i hate this and think I need somthing to help ease these symptoms abit anyway
But how the hell do u walk into see a GP sit and explain what's going on ????. How have u approved ur doctor and explained your symptoms to them?
I don't know how on earth I'm going to approch her with what I want to see? There are a lot of symptoms that I have? Any help please....
Like u I want me back......
thankyou all,xx
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oh nausea too this I've had for two weeks exacly from morning through till tea time or even till I goto bed.
damed auto corrector........
colleen90305 Shelly0069
My male gyno, also an endocrinologist, is great! He gave me the slip for the bloodwork emphasized only to be drawn DAY ONE, and prescribed me Prometrium. Problem is I haven't started it yet! I've held off past two months, but I told myself I have to try it this,month on day 16. These doc's need to understand how debilitating this can be
gailannie Shelly0069
Shelly, I'm not sure this will help. But I think I would sit down at a computer and type up a list of all the things you are feeling. In my mind there is no doubt that this all related to perimenopause. Your body is adjusting, albeit poorly, to lowered hormones and swings created by perimenopause.
The problem becomes that in peri our hormones fluctuate wildly and create a world of uncomfortable symtoms. It may be difficult for your physician to figure out what it is your body is lacking. I'd give her some information about your cycles, and any reoccurant problems you are experiencing at that time. It may be a bit of trial and error to see if there is something that can help.
But glad you are at least asking the questions and taking a pro active move to feeling better.
Shelly0069 gailannie
Gailannie, and Colleen.
looloo43 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly. so glad you are going to seek some proper help hun. best thing to do, like gailannie said, make a list of all your symptoms, menstrual cycles if you have documented them ( i put when they start & stop on my calendar). i started hrt in april - oestrogen gel applied nightly & utrogestan(the progesterone part) capsules taken days 15-26 of every 28day cycle (which i had to create on my calendar as my bleeding has been all over the place for over 2yrs)!!! the mental symptoms & headaches started to improve 2-3wks into the hrt, & with more time on it, i am back to my normal self mentally, rarely get the awful headaches & back in control. the bleeding settled down for a few months, but is now all over the place again, & i am having a transvaginal ultrasound next month, but the most important thing for me was to get on top of the mental symptoms & draining headaches 3-4times a week. i really think if you are in control mentally, you can cope much better/deal with the physical things more effectively. the hrt i take described above are micronised forms not synthetic, & appartently more effective in helping with peri/meno symptoms, also low risk/low dose formulas. hope this info helps a bit hun, do let us all know how you get on. xxx
Shelly0069 gailannie
Hi to both Colleen and Gailannie,
just thought I'd let both u know as to how I went on at the doctors.....
she sat and listened to me explain my symptoms.......
land she thinks it's best I have blood's done Monday
"Follicle Stimulating Hormone" blood test???
has anyone had this?
does it identify peri/ menapause?
she doesn't want to do anything ie give me anything till this is done to see what is happening?!!
she did mention HRT as an option if iam in peri?
abit of advice of u ladies of anyone who has had this blood test done would be a help.....
im not going to ask questions YET to anyone till I know the results off my blood?!!.
like I said though if u or someone u know has had this blood test done
could u update me on what I'm to expect?
Or it it one of those hit and miss tests ie all depending on how ur hormones are fluctuating?
I did try a bra on yesterday.......that came off within the hour as my breasts are still very sore and very delicate.
I've heard Black Cosh is good? Any feedback?
Sochima822 Shelly0069
Don't worry about the FSH blood test it is a normal blood test given to women entering menopause.
As for black cohosh it didn't work on me, but I was trying to alleviate hot flushes and you have to take it for 3 months before you can feel any affects which I didn't feel any at all. For mood swings you can try chia or flax seed drinks. You can find how to make chia drinks online. Not sure about flax seed drinks, I use to drink both, but more of flax seed juice and that worked for me.
2chr2015 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly. I am in peri and am struggling with lots of symptoms like you. I understand the whole what to say to your doctor to get help!! But, as I started thinking about what I would do...I used to be a nurse and worked for a few doctors. From my experience, most good doctors do want to help you. I mean, that is how they get referrals for other patients...by being effective. Anyway, most doctors want to address your worst symptom first. So whatever is the worst for you (I know they are all bad!!). But whichever is effecting daily functioning the most. So I would start there and ask how long before you should notice improvement. And then if possible follow up in a month. That way you can keep her updated and she will likely remember you better if it hasn't been so long. hope this helps and good luck
Sochima822 Shelly0069
Well, when she asks how are you feeling, say something like, not too good, I'm having horrible permenopausal symptoms and I'm hoping you can recommend something to help alleviate them.
Shelly0069 Sochima822
Hi Sochima,
can I ask u a question?
to identify if I'm in peri I'm having a blood test monday
Folic Stimulating Hormone
have u heard of this? Does it work? Or does it depend on the hormones?
At the time of the blood test being done? As we all know how they fluxuate?
As well as this if iam in peri she mentioned HRT as an option and only if the test reviels that I am in peri?
id say at the moment the Mood swings are my main concern......I'm probably best looking at somthing incase I don't get results I want
have u any suggestions as to what I would or could look at as a starting point to at least help settle my mood swings down?
Sochima822 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly, yes, the FSH is a good indicator of how well your ovaries are producing eggs. There are antidepressants for mood swings if she offers you that option. But it's best to wait and see what the results are. There are some otc meds are that good for mood swings but if she offers you rx medication that would be better. Let's wait for the results and keep me posted.
gailannie Shelly0069
There's a lot to know about blood tests, and I probably won't get it all in here. However, let's start here. FSH stands for follicle stimulating hormone. It comes from our brains, and is the hormone that tells our ovaries that it wants estrogen. It is a feedback loop hormone, not unlike TSH for our thyroid. The FSH is pushed off by our brain and helps regulate how much estrogen our bodies are producing. The eggs in our ovaries (the eggs which we are born with) respond to the FSH and then ripen and produce estrogen. When we hit perimenopause our systems get off kilter. Sometimes they over produce strgoen, sometimes not enough as our eggs are aging and don't respond to the FSH signal as they used to. As time marches on, eventually they don't respond at all to this signal, and WALAA we are now in menopause. Our bodies still want the estrogen we are used to, so the brain pushes off more and more FSH, asking for the ovaries to produce estrogen. Our brains don't understand that our eggs are aging, so it simply screams louder "Make more estrogen" by pushing off more and more FSH. This is where the labs will show high ranges of FSH.
Now here's the problem with FSH testing in perimenopause. Odds are your test will come back within normal range. Why? Because you are still producing enough estrogen throughout your cycle to create a period. This is why it is generally recommended that FSH testing in peri be done on days 2-3 of your cycle. The reason? Because what you would be seeing is how loudly your FSH has to "scream" in order for your eggs to pay attention to the message. Make sense? But even that is sometimes not helpful. Remember all hormone tests are simply a momentary snapshot of what your hormones are doing. One day your FSH can run high, screaming for estrogen, and then your eggs respond by producing more estrogen, and your FSH calms down. On the labs, things can look ok and inside normal ranges. So timing is important to get a clearer picture.
FSH is the gold standard for diagnosing menopause. At this time in life, it really doesn't matter how loud your brain screams for estrogen. Your eggs simply won't respond. By ultrasound, I still have eggs in my ovaries! They are still there, just not working any more. At 60, my eggs just aren't young enough to work and produce the estrogen they used to.
I would give you ranges for FSH, however every lab is just a little different. So look carefully at your labs when you get them. The lab should provide a scale on the sheet, showing normal ranges for FSH at different times of the cycle, as well as in menopause. Odds are since you are still having periods, your FSH will look "normal" on these labs. That can be very frustrating for the woman who has a ton of symptoms.
But let us know how they come out.
Shelly0069 gailannie
Hi Gailannnie,
Thanks for that......I thought.
mine will probably be ok then as I'm not due on my period not yet anyway.
im only 22months into my peri, I've probably got a long way to go yet before I get anything of a good reading in these results.
my only concern for me is my mood swings and tightness ache in my chest this is horrid and this sometimes gapes for air,
yes I will keep u posted on my outcome I go Tom morning so I'm hoping I don't have to wait to long for my results.
i certainly appreciate the information you have forwarded me Thankyou for that......I know more now. Xx