I've recently started getting issues with anxiety, after working at McDonalds (it was awful!)
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I'm a 17 year old male from the UK. I've suffered with depression for about 2 years, straight after I stopped using cannabis. I was a heavy smoker and used almost everyday for about 2 years, with the exception of a 9 month gap in between. I had never suffered from anxiety until around Christmas, when I had been working for about 2 weeks. Working at Mcdonalds also made my depression a fair bit worse. The anxiety wasn't too bad but because it was so sudden and random I decide to go to my doctor. She prescribed me with 50mg of sertraline and I started straight away. I also tried citalopram a year or two a go for about 6 months but it was inaffective, and then fluoxetine for about 2 months, but that made me very nauseous for the entire 2 months, so I gave up. But after the anxiety kicked in and my depression got so bad again I decided maybe it was time to try a new one. However the day after taking my first tablet, i left for college at 7 oclock in the morning, got the train and I was fine, but then when I got the bus I had an emmence hot flush on the back of my neck, butterflies and I really thought I was about to be sick, so I had to get off the bus. I waited at the bus stop for an hour for me to feel better but i didnt, so I walked to the nearest shop (about a mile) and then back to the train station (another mile and a half or so) and got the train home again. After that I stayed home from college for the week but had to stop taking the tablets after 4 days because the anxiety became unbearable. I tried going to college once or twice more but couldnt even manage to get on the bus because I was too panicky. I saw my doctor again 2 weeks after the first appointment and we decided to start me again but on 25mg, and to stick with it this time, so I started taking them again and got the nausea back, but that wore off in about 3 days, however I was too frightened to go to college in case it happened again. I've now been on the 25mg dosage a week and am on my way to college. It has been a lot easier than previously but I still feel a little uneasy. Does anybody have any suggestions as to why this has so suddenly happened to me? And easy, natural ways to calm myself down that actually work? It seems I only ever get anxious about being anxious. I don't ever worry I'm going to fail in life or anything, and I'm never anxious at home. Any ideas?
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vikki2303 brendanwhiteman
brendanwhiteman vikki2303
vikki2303 brendanwhiteman
shanine66729 brendanwhiteman
brendanwhiteman shanine66729
kage100 brendanwhiteman
Yes, this is natural for these tablets, I've had the same along with various other side effects (itching, waking up drenched in sweat etc), but those have passed.
From the sounds of it, your anxiety stems from being out and about, as you don't get it at home.
Perhaps you can see a therapist? Speak to your doctor, and they should be able to refer you (this is what mine did, but it was a self referal as they needed to hear it from me).
Well done for kicking the smoking habit.
Let us know how you get on!
brendanwhiteman kage100
mark.a brendanwhiteman
Also, on the subject of Cannabis, you're inability to concentrate is also a symptom of being anxious. I'm not sure it's neccesarily down to smoking pot. There's also a school of thought that suggests that things like that may be a form of self-medication, which puts cannabis as more of a result of anxiety/depression than the cause. It's something to consider, as I'm sure the reality is somewhere in the middle.
kage100 brendanwhiteman
Marks suggestion below is very true about considering CBT.
You've made a start to feeling better though, and that is the main thing. Find what works best for you, it might take you a while, but it will be worth it in the end (it has taken me 10 years to finally get the help I truly need!)
brendanwhiteman mark.a
I don't mean to be so straightforward but I'm sure the depression was caused by smoking weed, I was fine before I smoked any and while smoking, it's just a very harsh long term effect! Hopefully it will subside in the coming years and I can get back to being happy and focusing on what I want in life
brendanwhiteman kage100
But I'm very glad you've finally found your savior! I only hope it doesn't take me that long! Haha
I will be sure to try everything!
mark.a brendanwhiteman
However, anxiety is horrible & very real thing so I can empathise with how you're feeling.
First up, it sounds like your Doc/GP is quite understanding & helpful, which is good. Have you thought about any counselling or stuff like that? I know they're often recommended alongside tablets. You could ask your Doc about IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies).
One thing I used myself when suffering from anxiety & panic attacks is hypnosis mp3s. You could have a look for these on the internet.
Unfortunately, anxiety is a common afflication, but it is one that many people recover from. Due to the nature of panic, it does seem to strike out of the blue. I know my first panic attack did, and I was totally floored by it. And being anxious about being anxious is a good description of what people suffer. A good therapist or counsellor should be able to help you stop being anxious about being anxious and get things into perspective and provide many coping strategies for dealing with it.
As you're now on 25mg & just feeling a bit uneasy, you should defintely persevere. That uneasiness should fade & sertraline does definitely restore a sense of calm to an anxious over tense mind. The thinking is that then you are able to see things in a more balanced, realistic way and above all just be calm! So it works on 2 fronts I suppose: chemically it helps you're brain get back in balance but also helps you "remember" your anxiety-free self.
Good luck
vonnie43 brendanwhiteman
I hope you feel better soon x
brendanwhiteman vonnie43