I’ve struggled for 3 years and i just want answers
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For the last 3 or so years i have struggled with what my doctors thinks is ibs, i dont agree with this
My symptoms come and go, i could be completely fine for a month or 2 then i have a 'flare up' for a while and so on. Its not food related as water ect can do this too.
Symptoms include:
Severe bloating and distention.
Pain in upper stomach (feels like a ball)
indegestion (burping)
wind pains
Loss of appetite or always feeling hungry
feeling sick
Getting full quickly
sometimes needing to go to the toilet urgently
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I dont think ismts an intolerance to food as i've tried cutting ive tried cutting out various food groups and there was no change. I can simply have a drink and the symptoms occur. no over the counter ibs tablets help.
doing my own research i think i may have Gastroparesis. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated 😃
pippa58442 sophie38739
Your symptoms do sound like IBS. Do you find that stress triggers your symptoms? Pain tends to be felt just about anywhere on the abdomen.You don't always have food intolerance with IBS; my IBS is entirely stress related with no food problems.Bowel habit change is a key symptom of IBS.If your doctor has ruled out everything else with tests, IBS will be diagnosed. Did your doctor give you a confirmed diagnosis of IBS?If so, ask your doctor to prescribe you an antispasmodic. Prescription IBS medications are stronger and may be more effective. You may have to try several. I had to try two because the one my doctor prescribed upset my stomach.Just because IBS meds haven't worked for you, doesn't mean you don't have IBS. IBS doesn't show on scans. Since you are worried, ask for a gastric emptying test to check for gastroparesis.
It is also possible that you have gastritis as well since you are having hunger feelings. An endoscopy would show it. Try not to do your own research into your symptoms because google is often inaccurate. Trust your doctor's opinion.
sophie38739 pippa58442
Thank your replying. I do find my mood can make my symptoms worse yes. My doctor was pretty useless and has told me i've got ibs and to get on with it and doesnt see the point in referring me, he doesnt undersrand how ill i can feel so im gonna try see a new doctor when i can get an appointment. I know many people suffer with ibs and their normally bowel symptoms eg diarreah, constapation. Do you think its worth pushing for more tests?
pippa58442 sophie38739
If you have had a lot of negative tests and your doctor has diagnosed IBS, it probably isn't worth having further investigations.I would only bother with more tests if you don't have a confirmed IBS diagnosis. However, it sounds to me that your doctor has decided you have IBS. When you have a bad flare up of IBS, your anxiety can heighten and make you think you have something else wrong when you only have IBS. Since IBS is different for everyone, no one treatment will work for everyone and doctors can find it difficult to advise on the best course of action. Often, it comes down to finding out for yourself what works for you. I had to find an antispasmodic myself that worked for me to replace the prescribed one that made me worse.
moon53540 sophie38739
have you had an endoscopy? You could have a hiatus hernia.