I was drugged 7 months ago and I am terrified it has become a brain tumor
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(23 year old Male)
I made some bad decisions people, and I desperately need your help.
I was at a concert for Halloween where I was drugged by a designer drug posed as LSD. I knew I was in for trouble when the tab stung my tounge and later on I had a killer headache, as if my brain was literally getting trampled.
I thought I should just let it pass, but that is turning out to be a terrible mistake. Ever since that night, I felt a weirdness to my brain and the top of my scalp. I would constantly massage it hoping it would go away, but it has gotten worse since then. It feels like there are chemicals stuck in my brain just sitting there... which has resorted into some sort of brain disease/tumour. I've never hoped to be wrong as much as I do now, but my body is telling me this is destined to become a serious problem.
Recently I discovered a red lump near the right front of my scalp, but it has gone away since. But I am certain it will come back depending on my condition.
I researched brain tumors and the symptoms match in many ways.
My head doesn't feel clear most of the day anymore.
I can feel my brain swelling and aching when it is influenced by marijuana, but otherwise when I am sober, it's not so bad.
I've been massaging it a lot these past few weeks, but have come to the realization that constant pressure might just be making it worse. So I'm trying to keep my hands away from my scalp as much as possible.
I do not have proper health insurance, and now I am terrified this is going to result in irreversible conditions and in the worst case, cancer related death.
I've been healthy most of my life with no preexisting conditions and few hospital visits.
I have set an appointment to get it checked, but am in sincere need of your advice and suggestions. How could I treat myself before urgent care? What should I do in this situation?
Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions.
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Guest obiwon
Hi obiwon, you suggested the best course of action yourself: when I am sober, it's not so bad. If you are worried about damaging your brain you might want to limit your alcohol intake as well.
You could try to stay sober for say 6 months and see how you feel. If you feel much better you might discover that a sober lifestyle is for you.
Good luck with your appointment.
JoyKF53 obiwon
Don't take drugs! You don't have adequate health insurance yet you have been happy to abuse your body with the use of marijuana and other narcotics knowing that they can have catastrophic consequences. Now you're paying the price. It's highly unlikely that you have sucumbed to cancer but that won't make you feel any better because one of the side effects of marijuana is paranoia, so you've probably convinced yourself by now that you're going to die. Even though that is highly unlikely you will still believe it. Get help and get off the drugs.
mike09523 obiwon
I know you have come onto this site for advice and support but your predicament is self made and can only be corrected by you recognising your mistakes and stopping them.I read daily of posters being prescribed legal drugs and feel their brain is being taken over after only one tablet. Stop taking drugs-stop smoking maruana and give your sozzled brain a holiday, otherwise it will take a holiday on its own. My brother, a constant user for most of his 50 years of adult life, had to have about 50% of a section of his brain removed because of brain seizures.
Wake up to your brains cry for help.
JoyKF53 mike09523
Hi Mike. So glad I found someone giving similar advice to my own. I wondered if I was being a bit harsh, but you're absolutely right in everything you say. I was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago through no fault of my own and now am waiting for gamma knife surgery for a brain tumour (unrelated to the cancer) so I feel very angry when people with self inflicted conditions ask for help and sympathy.
harrishill1 obiwon
Hi Obiwon. I am so glad you've made a Doctor appointment. In the meantime, do not use Marijuana. It may have some side effects. Also, tell the Doctor about the drug that was given to you, and tell him about your Marijuana use. I think the drug did probably cause some side effects for you, and hopefully the Doctor can discover what drug it was. Sometimes a blood test will help to diagnose things.
Meantime, try not to worry so much. Make sure you see the Doctor. I will say a prayer for your recovery.