I was on zoloft for 16 years, stopped for 6 months to see how I was without it, just started it agai
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I wanted to share my story on my experience with zoloft, I suffered sever anxiety when I turned 28, I was unable to leave my house, the panic was so awful, I saw a doctor who prescribed me several different meds, from paxil, effexor, those eds left me feelng strange my pupils looked large and scary. Finally, I began zoloft along with zanax as needed, I began to feel great in about 3 weeks if I remeber correctly. The amazing thing for me was the day I was able to leave the house and not feel that panic come over me for he first time, I felt saved and able to be myself once again. So, if something works why quit rite. So I stayed on it even for the borth of my 1 st child with no dangerous side effects to my child either. So, sixteen years have passed and I just wondered if I really needed it anymore, I thought its been 16 years, why not wean off medicine all together and see how I am on my own mentally, I didnt have one panic attack fr 16 years, while taking zoloft. So, I started exercising regularly and weaned myself off zoloft around Thanksgiving 2015, no side effects no anxiety until April 15th I had a sever attack while dealing with people at an animal spay and neuter event. It came on so sudden, I had to go hide in my car, until my boyfriend brought me a zanax. I went home and rested and have been fine, so I thought ok " thank God that is over" today is May 5th 2016, I had my worse attack Tuesday May 3rd, I went to work, felt a little anxious that morning, started shaking in my way to work, pulled over in a car wash and decided to take 1/4 of a zanax to see if it would help me, I got to work at 9 started working, trying to keep busy just to get my job done so I could get out of there as soon as finished, and when the lady I work for strted talkiing to me, I felt it begin again, I didnt want it to show that I was beginning to have a slight attack, finally when I was alone again at work, my boss let said she would be back with lunch , I rushed and got my job done as quickly as I could and left her a note, saying Im so sorry Im having a severe panic attack and had to leave, whenI got in my car my face went numb, heart pounding, sweating , a feeling of fear came over my whole body, I rushed home, and so glad I safely made it home, I jumped on my bed to try and relax and my attack when in full, I took 1 whole zanax took a bath and felt better, went to sleep. however Im missing work the rest of this week, I began my 1 st does of zoloft yesterday, I started with 50 mg. Today I woke up getting my son ready or school, and I took 100 mg. I feel shaky talking about this, but I am hoping ny talking aout it I will feel better. I have a guilt in my head, saying Im missing work, when an I go back? how long will this take to kick in like it did so many years ago?? I need it to work fast, if I dont work I dont make money. I wanted to try andsee if I could live a medicine free lifestyle, I even tried essential oils to help, breathing the peace and calming deeply , ten time in thorugh my nose and breathing out through my mouth, helps temporarily for a momently. so this is my story in a nut shell, wanted to share incase anyone else out there has advise thank you fo listening it does help to talk about it sometimes : )
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Maribella zazu2002
zazu2002 Maribella
glenn85919 zazu2002
Good luck and best wishes and try and remember the majority of our day and time is mostly panic free. Panic and anxiety, though obviously painful, are temporary moments in our lives. Doesn't help when it's happening but it is a fact. x
zazu2002 glenn85919
Gnancy575 zazu2002
zazu2002 Gnancy575
jessica55682 zazu2002
Hi my name is Jessica I'm have the same issues . Do u have time to talk to me ?
zazu2002 jessica55682
Yes, so I had to get back on Zoloft to control my panic attacks and I'm back to normal now
jessica55682 zazu2002
zazu2002 jessica55682
3-4 weeks, I kept waiting for my panic attack to return and it finally went away I will never get off of Zoloft again since it worked for me so well I hope you're doing OK feel free to message me anytime I'm getting ready to go to bed whatever I can do to help you please let me know
jessica55682 zazu2002
Thank you I'm just having hard time adjusting back to the medication . I didn't have panic attacks this bad before I think the heat may bring some of it on . I'm just so scared of having a attack it's making me sick . I've been back on Zoloft 50mg for almost a week now and my heart doesn't race as bad as it did before . I been taking xanax when I feel uncomfortable too . I just don't understand why this is happening to me ughhhh
l48934 zazu2002
Hello, thanks for sharing your story. I hope the message boards bring you peace like they did me a few weeks ago. It's sometimes just nice to know there are people out there to talk to who might be experiencing a similar life event. For me, I only took sertraline three days last week for mood and slight anxiety. I could not handle side effects. My doctors and I decided I was having some hormonal stuff changing birth control methods and hopefully things will even out soon. Good luck getting back to peace.