i was rear ended at 40mph about 13 months ago. i suffere...
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i was rear ended at 40mph about 13 months ago. i suffered neck shoulder and lower back pain. i tried phsyio it didnt work. i tried complimentry therapy which gave me some relief but i couldnt afford to keep it going as i lost my career as a hairdresser as a result of this accident. i went to see an orthopaedic consultaant through my solicitor who had me bending etc and when i came home the pain was worse than ever. i then went to see my own consultant who says that the muscles in my back are in constant spasms and has ordered an mri as the pain is gone down into my right leg.
ive lost my career, my quality of life,and im terrified that ill have this pain for the rest of my life. people think you are only moaning when you say you are in pain but you dont realise till you actually suffer this. My whole life has changed for the worse but you just have to smile and carry on as best you can and think to yourself that it happened to break a bigger burden...
[i:934748a68c]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:934748a68c]
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Anyway, to cut the long story short, 6 months + i am in more pain than ever. I am in excruciating pain with my headaches and i can't even touch my neck and shoulders. My GP keeps telling me that there is nothing that he can do. I have asked for an MRI scan and he tells me that the NHS will not authorise it as i don't need surgery? Whatever that means! Now i have to wear a collar to keep my neck mobile which eases the headaches but i mustn't wear it for long as my neck muscles can get lazy and i have been waiting for physio through the NHS since the accident as i can not afford private!
I want to know how we can make the NHS more aware that whiplash is more serious than they think? I have had enough of being brushed to the side...i also called an ambulance a few days after my accident because of the pains in my neck as i thought i might have a head injury and when the ambulance come, they kinda laughed in my face, was made to get on and off the ambulance with no help as they walked off into the hospital and left me there to follow when i was screaming from pain! I was made to wait for a few hours while they were having tea at the reception area and looking over and laughing at me, so i just apologised for wasting there time and walked out and haven't had any trust in the NHS since! US WHIPLASH SUFFERERS NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! :cry:
the only person who has been nice is my doctor.
i was given a MRI scan by the NHS just on my neck,when i have serve pain in my shoulder,the results came back and they have said they can't find nothing wrong and have just left me it will heal in time.i have had this injury for nearly a year now and still it hasn't got any better but worse in fact, i feel very let down by the NHS.
I am in constant pain and have lost my job to.
this expereince has left me isolated,frustrated,upset,depressed and shattered i feel my life is nothing now,i can't even get on with doing simply things like the house work and driving is very painful.
the NHS should be giving more time into looking into these problems the right emotional and physical support would also not go a miss
hi there i was hit by a double decker bus , side impact 16 months ago.
within the hour i had severe whiplash pain,, i lost both of my jobs , because i couldnt work as a carer for the disabled.
ever since then ive been in cronic pain... it just wont go away.
i try and do physio through the NHS and sometimes i can do it and sometimes i really pay for it for a good few days.
have been let down by my solicitor really, i keep asking for an mri as requested by a ciropratic and a specalist, and after constant phoning i got a mri last thursday /may 2010.
im now having to wait for the results which will finally go through my specalist... but that will take months.......
i know i really need some kind of treatment to get me back....
my home life is CRAP!!!!
my family are great but i know there now fed up too with me always in pain and the massive financal loss of income into the home... its very depressing and i do keep trying but i know theres some damage.
i get the pain in the whole of my neck, shoulders,upper and lower back and down my left arm to my elbow....
even though ive got enough painkillers to kill a horse ,and some knock me out, i find the easiest and best releif is to lie down on my back , with a hot wheatbag.
im so fed up with the lack of support from the system and solicitor, i need pysical and financial help.
we even have to live on basic foods like beans on toast for tea, just to get by....
none of this is my fault , but i have to pay and suffer....
its just unfair .
sorry for sounding harsh but its the truth!!!!
please reply if u have any experinances
thanks xxxx[/i:611f1fa486][/b:611f1fa486]
I was in two accidents 20 and 13 years ago, damaging my spine in both.
It sounds to me like the accident did cause you nasty damage, distress and a lot of ongoing pain and problems, unless you already had a problem in that area, that is in your medical notes.
Even if you had a bit of degeneration to discs, due to normal wear and tear the accident definitely exacerbated the problem and has caused you significant difficulties and pain.
As you accepted a payout it is unlikely you could reopen your case for compensation. It may be worth a phone call though to CAB or a solicitor. Most give at least half hour free consultation.
If it's any consolation to you the surgery involved is very risky and people are often left with even more problems.
You've obviously been down the Pain Clinic route, that tends to be very hit and miss I'm afraid.
So you are left with what you have, physio, painkillers and related medications , accupuncture can help some people, for others it's diddly squat! Be careful with Chiropractors as necks are not a good idea. I asked one locally and he said he'd never touch a badly damaged neck, only a sports type injury, so I was lucky. A friend of mine suffered terribly from a Chiropractor who shouldn't have touched her.
Also be careful of having too many steroid/cortisone injections or pills. They can seriously damage your liver over a fairly short time. The docs don't always tell you this, until your liver is the one affected.
To add to all this you become a 'chronic pain' patient, the worst type of patient to help I'm sorry to say.
I am significantly disabled by my experience and with increasing unremitting pain that just gets worse as they years go by.
I have the choice of various medications/transdermal patches, some I just won't take due to the side effects. Most of us with this problem tend to end up with far less than we'd like in both lifestyle choices and medical help.
I wish I could offer you some more positive help and advice but this is how it is and there are thousands of us out there.
Sadly acceptance of ones situation is the only sane way of going forward.By alterating or changing your lifestyle to match what you can and can't do, using adaptions and aids as time goes by.
I truly hope that for you there is an answer that you can live with and accept.
What I will say is don't give up on asking for help and treatment under the NHS. There may be something or someone out there that can help you if you keep trying.
My very best wishes to you, Fanny Jane.