I was tricked and had the worst day
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I get incapacitating migraines the first day of my period (every month for past 7/8 years). A few days ago, my period started and no migraine. It was super light, which was also surprising since they have been very heavy for the past few years. I had two days of thinking maybe this peri nightmare was ending. I was giddy at having a reprieve from the bleeding and pain that comes every 21 days. Then, I woke up on day 3 with one of the worst migraines I have ever had in my life. I laid in bed in agony all day. I had ice packs on my head and vomited into plastic bags while still in bed. It was close to 15 hours of suffering. I was in so much pain I couldn't even cry. I have dizzy for weeks. My anxiety is extreme. How much can a person endure? For how long? Near my breaking point.
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caroline76614 staci88515
So sorry , that is absolutely horrendous . Personally i havent suffered from migraine, but a friend of mine had them evevy month just like you , and would be in bed being sick for a couple of days. I am only telling you this because since she went through menopause ( i think shes 52 or 53 ) they have all but disappeared completely . Obviously both hers and your are hormone related, i imagine you have been to the doctor many times, is there no way of speeding up the menopause process to relieve you of this nightmare, or is that not possible or desirable ? .
staci88515 caroline76614
I have heard that migraines could lessen or disappear. I truly hope this is my situation as well. It is awful. If you have never experienced one, it is difficult to describe. I have never given birth, but I would assume it would be comparable to having a natural birth without meds. It is hours upon hours struggling through horrific pain. You can't talk, eat, move, or function in any way. In my case, it happens every 21 days. The doctors tell you to take over-the-counter meds which offer little relief especially when you vomit. Thank you for being kind and responding.
Gypsy014 staci88515
Hi Staci, I'm exactly the same! I get the wicked migraines every single month that leave me rolling around in bed too... I know how you feel.. If we do ever ever get through this we will be able to withstand just about anything and should be a couple of pretty tough chicks, cause they are seriously BAD!
staci88515 Gypsy014
Holy moley, you can say that again. I have broken my jaw, fingers, and ankle. I suffered a concussion after putting my head through a car window. I had my wisdom teeth pulled with only novocaine and no follow up pain meds. I had surgery on my leg with only a local and no pain meds after. I have had stitches and drains in my foot and didn't even take a tylenol. ALL of those were 1's on a pain scale compared to a migraine, which is a solid 10+. People who suffer from migraines are definitely, "tough chicks." Thanks for makng me feel good about myself. 😃
Gypsy014 staci88515
Hang in there thats all we can do! The worst is over for the month , and shouldn't return till next month.. When your rolling around in bed next month with the next one tie a bandana around head sort of tight it helps A lot with the throbbing, I keep them on my night stand, a life saver for me..