I will be very grateful if you can help me

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I am currently in my second year of college doing a BTEC in Health and Social Care. As part of my current assingment I am creating a care pathway for an individual with Alzheimers and need a primary sorce, in which I would be very greatful if you could answer these two questions. 

How effectivly did you find that the practioners and agencies worked together in order to provide the best care?

How effective were the care stratagies that were put in place, for example aids for living, travel to and from appointments, medication, althernative therapies, support, scans and tests? 

Thank you, 


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3 Replies

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    I am the spouse and so principle carer. My wife has mild to moderate alzheimers. She knows the she has MCI but has not been told that she has Alzheimers. I have been told that she has by her psychiatrist.

    1. How effectively did you find that the practitioners and agencies worked together in order to provide the best care?

    Having diagnosed Alzheimers and prescribed Donepezil the practitioners and agencies accepted my wife's instruction that I was not to be involved. Besides the isolation being very upsetting to me I was unable to get any advice or support on how best to assist my wife. I still think that this was a very poor approach to support of the patient.

    2. How effective were the care strategies that were put in place, for example aids for living, travel to and from appointments, medication, alternative therapies, support, scans and tests? 

    There were none. The practice in this area is not to tell the patient that he/she has dementia until he/she asks if it is so.

  • Posted

    Hi Amber,

    I've just joined this forumand hope my answer is not to late as i can see that you asked the question 3 months ago.  

    I would say that you might want to maybe contact a residential or nursing home manager to discuss their pathway fro managing residents with Alzheimers or have you been on any placements that you can reflect on?

    Hope this helps!


  • Posted

    Hi Amber,

    I'm in Australia and nothing was coordinated but this may have been because I am an aged care nurse and they somewhat erroneously assumed I was coping.

    I did manage to get someone in to shower dad as that was the most confronting thing for both of us. My father was an English gent, I'd never seen him naked. The only thing I ever knew him to remove was his shirt.


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