I would appreciate advice! Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and always exhausted. Energy boost ideas?
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I know you all will be able to relate to the on going feelings of utter exhaustion. Has anyone found any supplements that provide an energy boost to keep you going through the day. I really would appreciate your advice on what works. I've taken caffeine tablets to keep me going through the day but even these don't work now. I just want to feel normal and have some energy after work so I can try and exercise as my weight is also getting me down now. By the time I get in from work I am burned out and I am an empty shell. Thanks in advance xxx
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HazzaMcBazza23 SamN22
HazzaMcBazza23 SamN22
shannon03304 SamN22
Sorry to hear about your new diagnosis. My mum is a fibromyalgia sufferer and I have seen the struggles she has had to face throughout. But remember you are not an empty shell, you are still the person you was before, the only difference is that you now need to find your ways of adapting your lifestyle and make you able to continue that life you already have. It is also important to remember that you have been diagnosed with an illness, you cannot expect the same from yourself as you did before. Allow time for rest and recuperation so that you can do what you do manage to get done, productively. Spread things out over a longer time scale and don't be hard on yourself for not meeting targets if you cannot physically do it. It is a new lifestyle that you need to adapt to, but YOU have fibromyalgia, fibromyalgia doesn't have you .
Aside from this I am a new awareness and fundraiser and have a new twitter and facebook account, and a brand new website on its way. On my awareness website I hope to use patient stories to show he public the reality of fibromyalgia. I already have a few, but It would be brilliant if you would be happy for me to use your diagnosis story.
I will hope to hear back from you soon,
best wishes,
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gloria15237 SamN22
Xxxxxtttttttttt SamN22
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
now i go to bed about 12am and get up about 8 to 9 , only waking up for the loo. thats annoying as its about 4times a night,
but you cant have everything,
have you tried HEMP milk maybe it would be a cheaper way of getting the vitiamins, then the oil, my friend has a mug at lunch time i am thinking of trying it , i know sainsburys sale it not sure about the other stores.
saunas kill me makes me a lot worse ,but the hydro pool for me is brilliant i just cant get to mine. i have acupunture and in chinnesse medincine i am what they call a damp type, ,iv always suffered with catterah, sinus, achey joints, and very sensistive to damp cold weather and like this summer damp hot weather. so that would make sense that saunas make me feel worse,
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
tiswas24537 SamN22
Xxxxxtttttttttt SamN22
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
i wish they, other people could just have my pain and fatigue for a week
they soon change there mind ,iv got a handel on the pain for the moment but its still there lingering in the back ground, but the fatigue is a nightmare ,
its so unfair really cruel illness not only are we all suffering but most people dont beleive us , and say we are swinging the lead.its so hurtful i had so many plans for my 40 and 50s to do stuff i couldnt when i was bringing up my kids ,then just when i think its my time ,this hits me , so unfair.and not something i or anyone suffering from this would want.
tiswas24537 SamN22
your not making the right chemicles in your brain , iv fallen asleep in the shower and standing up only for a second or two but theres no control ,
iv also found that if i get out and about in the fresh air i fill alot a better
but when i come back in and sit down i am asleep in minutes same after meals as soon as i sit down i am a sleep . regards tina
HazzaMcBazza23 SamN22
tiswas24537 HazzaMcBazza23
Pinkgin64 SamN22
I was diagnosed last year, after being told 18months earlier that I should go away and get used to the idea that I was just going to be in pain for the rest of my life. That was by a rheumatologist in the UK! I was in bits coming out of there. However, I'm not fobbed off that easily and persevered and finally got a diagnosis. I too suffer with fatigue, I feel your frustration. I find bananas seem to help and I was low in vitamin D, I have monthly meds for that now and bloods to be done in September.to keep a check on my levels. Earlier in the year my folate was low so I had a course. I am not able to work as I suffer with headaches/migraines on a daily basis. I have had two opinions, one diagnosed cervical spondylosis with migrainous headache and another occipital neuralgia, so far no solution has been offered to me for them. I think that the most important thing is to reduce stress levels as when stressed the pain, fatigue and brain-fog descend. I tend to ask myself 'is it a matter of life or death, what harm can come' and if the answer is no and none then I choose not to stress, it's still a work in practice. I think humour is important as I always feel more lively after a good laugh.
I have recently completed a pain management programme, it was demanding, but I have learned that if I can do nothing else in the day that it's vitally important to stretch and keep the ligaments and tendons as healthy as possible. Hydrotherapy was also excellent and I found that after this I did feel more awake and alert. I too have gained weight as I am not able to do what I used to and make egg on legs jokes about me in my recently purchased swim-dress. However, this egg's for excercise however reluctant I feel I know that it helps to release natural endorphins which will help keep the pain levels down and i'm sure help with the fatigue too.
I hope you find out what works for you and that you are able to cope better with your Fibro, It is better to learn to live with it than to fight it as it takes more energy to fight. As said before we are individuals with Fibro, Fibro does not define us!
Kindest regards,
tiswas24537 Pinkgin64
i stop for over a year going out daily for a walk ,
trying to my energy for a hobbie that i did,
and iv really paid the price in the way of stiffness
i am trying to stretch and twist each day enough but not to much that i injure myself, thats the trick . well done.
Xxxxxtttttttttt Pinkgin64
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
but i just wont give in , it can be frustrating and tearful at times . but iv found what works for me . now after years of searching. and as long as it works for me il keep doing it.
Pinkgin64 tiswas24537
It's a juggling act some days trying to decide what to give your energy to. I have managed a cool bath and got a wash on and I'm bushed. I should have saved some energy for preparing dinner really. Never mind I have a phone and could enjoy a shish kebab....all the salad
Oh, one of the best stretches for the neck is done by placing your forefinger on your chin and simply pushing it backwards. I have a headache now and have just done some gentle ones and the pain in my head has eased a little. Having spotted myself in a mirror I have decided that's one to do in the privacy of my home as it's not a becoming movement ha ha ha.
Use it or lose it is my attitude now and I'm determined to keep moving
Pinkgin64 Xxxxxtttttttttt
tiswas24537 Pinkgin64
tiswas24537 Pinkgin64
Pinkgin64 tiswas24537
Definitely, if I sit for too long I feel more pain than if I move regularly. Some days I feel as though everything has worn out. I'm way to young for that ha ha ha, I suppose the young bit is relative
Pinkgin64 tiswas24537
I had never heard of Fibromyalgia prior to my diagnosis, my grandmother had polymyalgia and I know she was often in pain. However, my boyfriend had been having pain in his legs and having seen a consultant, has now been given the fibromyalgia diagnosis. What are the chances of that! Fortunately his pain is moderate and responding well to Amitriptyline. I'm going to take him to the pool and teach him the moves I learned in the hydrotherapy sessions. Ha ha ha, how fibro friends socialise ha ha ha ha ha...that thought tickled me so much I've hurt my sore head laughing ha ha,