I would like to come off Tibolone
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Hi I am 42 and have been on Tibolone for 7 years and I want to try coming off them, my GP keeps saying I need them to prevent osteoporosis. I have gained about 2 stone since been on these and my doctor keeps saying it's nothing to do with the tablets, but I eat healthy gym 2/3 times a week but I can't shift a pound. I am also constantly tired I am normally wanting to go to bed by 830!!! Does anyone know if I can just stop taking them or do I need to wean off them? X
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barbara92906 paula08283
ykay barbara92906
I honestly feel that as soon as our bodies lose eostrogen we start to fall apart but if you feel you should go off them that is up to you.
I am nearly 73 and have been on Livial (2.5mg) since Jan 2008 - before that I struggled with all sorts of so-called 'natural' products.
At one stage a doctor advised me to stop taking it and I felt so bad I went back on them within a month or so.
I take one tab every day except Wed and Sunday.
Maybe you need a B12 boost for tiredness as I don't believe that Livial is the problem there.
ykay barbara92906
I honestly feel that as soon as our bodies lose eostrogen we start to fall apart but if you feel you should go off them that is up to you.
I am nearly 73 and have been on Livial (2.5mg) since Jan 2008 - before that I struggled with all sorts of so-called 'natural' products.
At one stage a doctor advised me to stop taking it and I felt so bad I went back on them within a month or so.
I take one tab every day except Wed and Sunday.
Maybe you need a B12 boost for tiredness as I don't believe that Livial is the problem there.
ykay barbara92906
I honestly feel that as soon as our bodies lose eostrogen we start to fall apart but if you feel you should go off them that is up to you.
I am nearly 73 and have been on Livial (2.5mg) since Jan 2008 - before that I struggled with all sorts of so-called 'natural' products.
At one stage a doctor advised me to stop taking it and I felt so bad I went back on them within a month or so.
I take one tab every day except Wed and Sunday.
Maybe you need a B12 boost for tiredness as I don't believe that Livial is the problem there.
I don't know what happened by the reply I gave to paula08283 also went in to your replies!..............please disregard that, however I would like to comment to you as follows.............
I am nearly 73 and have been on Livial (2.5mg) since Jan 2008 - before that I had a few years of spending money and wasting my time with so-called 'natural' products. Prior to that I had been on HRT for many years.
I too spoke with a senior specialist who told me I could stay on the tabs for life.
I believe that women need oestrogen to lead a quality life and that the lack of this leads to a detrioration of skin tone, hair, well-being and body generally.
I happen to run a large group of mature women (ages from 48 through to 92) and I am quite amazed at how those who are still taking oestrogen in some form are so much happier and look so much younger than their peers.
I only take Livial five times a week but my new doctor has mentioned I have been on them too long and would like to see me off them .... she will only give me two scripts at a time these days but I am persisting in staying on them at this stage. When I decide it is time for my body to give up and dry up I may consider coming off them..........and that may not be until I am 100!
barbara92906 ykay
ykay paula08283
I honestly feel that as soon as our bodies lose eostrogen we start to fall apart but if you feel you should go off them that is up to you.
I am nearly 73 and have been on Livial (2.5mg) since Jan 2008 - before that I struggled with all sorts of so-called 'natural' products.
At one stage a doctor advised me to stop taking it and I felt so bad I went back on them within a month or so.
I take one tab every day except Wed and Sunday.
Maybe you need a B12 boost for tiredness as I don't believe that Livial is the problem there.
barbara92906 paula08283
amanda2501 paula08283
christine20477 paula08283
I am 62 and have taken HRT in one form or another since I was 39, with one or two very short breaks.
I was due to have surgery at the end of July. At my pre-op check-up yesterday the assessment nurse asked me what Livial was, so I told her that it was a low dose HRT. Apparently I should have been asked at my original consultation with the consultant three weeks ago if I was taking HRT. The outcome of this oversight is that my surgery had now been postponed until September as I need to be off the HRT for at least a month before surgery.
The last time I stopped Tibolone 2.5 I went 'cold turkey' and within about 8 - 10 weeks resumed it again because I found it very difficult to cope. I do have a chronic condition that causes me all sorts of other problems, including disturbed nights, so I think stopping HRT was the final straw.
However, I am going to try a reduction in dose, maybe one every other day for the next week, then one every third day for the second week before having to stop completely in preparation for surgery. By the time I have my surgery I feel that I will be able to judge if I can cope without it now, or, whether a return to maybe a lower dose might be suitable.
One of the things that I bought when I stopped the HRT last time were rather expensive p.j's that take the persperation away from your body when you perspire at night. So although it does not reduce the amount you perspire during the 'flushes' you at least stay dry. They are not at all stylish and you wouldn't want to be seen at a party in them
.... but they work !!!! The label says 'Wild Bleu'. I cant remember if that is the make or not, but I know that I bought then on-line. They can be machine washed but must not be rinsed in fabric conditioner.
I am now retired, whereas I was trying to run a home and work full time (shifts) during my previous attempt at stopping, so maybe this time will be OK !!??
I wish you well with coming off the Tibolone and hope it works for you.
amanda2501 christine20477
The PJ's sound good, I'm not having a good time on the injections or my tablets I've found out now it's not working and that I may need a hysterectomy. At the moment im in hospital because I'm in so much
Pain. I just wished they did that at the beginning.
Yours amanda
amanda2501 paula08283
I'm not having a good time on the injections or my tablets I've found out now it's not working and that I may need a hysterectomy. At the moment im in hospital because I'm in so much
Pain. I just wished they did that at the
beginning. Paula as far as I no you have to wean yourself of them and it can be horrible.so please ask your doctors first.
Yours amanda