I wpould like ot ask how you know if you need meds or hormones? Can anyone share their experiences?

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I just received my hormone tests and she said they are fine and i should be done having my period by the end of the year. Are they really fine?  Here is what they are, any input would be greatly appreciated:

Testosterone    20

FSH    22.7

LH    33.7

Progesterone    2.3

Estradiol    149

Thank you


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Pretty darn good if you ask me. Everything is balanced out just your progesterone is going down which is expected it starts to lower in your forties anyways.

    you've got a decent amount of testosterone and estrogen I'm not sure why he said everything would end at the end of this year though? Hmm.

    Do you have symptoms?

    • Posted

      Yes i have so many symptoms and any time i  go to the doctor for anything she says it is due to the menopause. All my blood work is good as well. I do take medication for high blood pressure and cholesterol. 
    • Posted

      So you are post meno? Yes you have a great amount of estrogen still if you are postmenopausal.

      My labs read  

      Less than 0.5 for estrogen, testosterone and progesterone...

      Flat lined,

      so its just the hormones doing what they do.

      I think that we women have the idea that after menopause you have zero hormones , but we are still  making hormones  long after meno so they say, just some of us dont hold on to them like myself.


    • Posted

      I am not post meno yet.  Three periods this year, 5 last year and 6 the year before.  I wish it was over!  Not sure if I will feel better but that’s what my doctor keeps saying.  Just wondering about the numbers because they just go up and down?  Last time i had them checked they also said post meno on the results.  I am just wondering if anybody really knows what the numbers mean because I don’t get it?  How do they decide if you should try hormones or not?  Is it my decision or do the numbers have to be specific?
    • Posted

      Im not able to say Madracquel, but i see soo many numbers on the labs and they are different for everyone, I know that you are not done yet because of the erratic cycles, and your still making adequate estrogen.

      Your ovaries are just winding down now i think, if i were to guess.


      they shouldnt say you are post meno if you have not gone through the 12 months to be officially post meno ya know what i mean?

      Docs usually dont prescribe or like to anyways..if you arent done with the periods.

      If it helps you though then you can take them. 

      There are a few things i took two years ago when i was 'on my way out' towards menopause.

      vitex- its called chaste berry-very ancient remedy.. and its a hormonal tonic for pms/meno symtpoms, it acts more like helping the pituitary to regulate the hormonal balance. 

      Another one that im 'kind of' trying now is Maca, and im hoping it helps.

      hrt/bio hrt didnt work for me...

      Follow your symptoms and your gut as you go through this.

      I would trust your sense over any provider..just my opinion They can always help and direct your care but you are your best advocate by far.

      (just my experience)


  • Posted

    Docs usually dont prescribe BHRT HRT or like to anyways..if you arent done with the periods.

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