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I have suffered this awful syndrome now for 15 years and I have to say it has in many ways put great pressure on my life, I am unable to hold down my job as it is so unpredictable. I feel the medical profession just doesn't understand how bad this syndrome can be and is often swept under the carpet. I am unable to eat dairy at all, not even a tiny bite of a pizza can send me running to the loo. We have no control over stress, we cannot make ourselves deal with stress we deal with it how we have to and unintentionally this causes the attacks to come on. I find the attacks excrutiating, i've birthed 2 chldren naturally and the cramps are no different to the contractions felt in childbirth, only in childbirth you are given major pain relief, IBS I take Buscopan and have to wait 20 minutes for it to work, the longest 20 minutes of my life I can tell you! I cannot sit, I cannot stand all I can do is lay and if this happens in my workplace as it has once before I am stuck at work unable to get home. I can honestly say my IBS is a huge black hole in my life, one I will never get over just have to live with day to day. I get so fed up with it I don't eat at all, probably making it worse but I will go days without eating, almost punishing myself for what its done to me. If anyone has any great ideas on how they manage their's, I would love to hear from you.
Thanks Beth
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sunni13905 beth88871
I don't have IBS but I do have Diverticulitis. A lot of the symptoms are the same. Do you follow the Fodmap diet? I find this helps a lot as well as eating smaller portions more frequently. I actually eat a small snack about every two hours. no large meals at all. I also take probiotics and drink probiotic Kefir milk. I've cut out almost all whites (bread, pasta and rice) and switched them with whole wheat varieties. I also take a fiber supplement (gummies).
Hope this helps alittle.
philippa61759 beth88871
I suspect you have tried many things over the years. The only other options that spring to mind would be probiotics or visiting an IBS clinic.
looloo43 beth88871
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sam18386 beth88871
vibegirl beth88871
Sorry you are at the very low end of emotions when it comes to your dealing with IBS - I know it well, having dealt with it in my late teens till almost 30! A roller coaster in so many ways, physically and emotionally.
A few insights I wanted to share- you may or may not resonate with any...but sometimes even one thing can help us feel some hope or relief...so I will share!
I no longer have IBS - I had it full force all those years I mentioned...mostly diarrhea but uncomfortable bouts of constipation as well. I had limits on so many foods as I never quiet knew what would set me off. I also had anxiety l..mainly stemming from the IBS and not knowing 'when' it would flare up.
After I had my daughter and after more tests I finally decided ENOUGH!
I was tired of it, tired of making excuses, tired of not going places, tired of getting up 2 hrs before work so I could hopefully use the bathroom before etc.
I ended up starting to look at things from a more natural way...(this was BEFORE the internet lol) and I did lots of research and only would look for what DID help people...as frankly so much is said about what doesn't work...we can be hard-pressed to find people who are either managing their symptoms successfully or actually being rid of it! I knew it was possible and I still do.
So much more is known these days you really only have to start looking for what you want to hear!
Seriously..start googling people who have recovered from IBS and you’ll start to feel and see glimmers of hope. Diet, more water, addressing excess bacteria (yeast) in the gut/intestines, supplements/herbs/foods that heal the bowel, STRESS RELIEVERS (as I have to politely disagree with your comment about how we cannot manage or control how we deal with stress…as I know personally, that I can- and you can too)
Yes all of this can take time…it took me about a year to feel I was really on the other side of IBS – did I still have instances of ‘symptoms’? Yes…occasionally – however after that year, I found that I was much more in control of my body/bowels etc then I had been for over 12 yrs. That was HUGE for me. Also addressing the anxiety and thoughts I had had for years ‘worrying’ about going out etc…was what really helped too – so it’s a mind game as much as a physical one. I’m an open book if you have any questions
Shelly54 beth88871
Guest beth88871
For a long time I thought fodmap was helping me (and i'm sure it was to some degree) and I thought I had issues with wheat and dairy. I later realised it was olive/vegetable oils.
I now only cook using animal fats, coconut oil or homemade veg/chicken stock. I mostly avoid processed foods but can tolerate them if I am on the run or too tired to prep something from scratch (although there are some good frozen pies made with lard rather than veg oils). I mostly eat fresh fish but if I do have tinned fish I make sure it's in brine.
It seems so obvious looking back as when I was eating just a couple of salads a day and was still bad the only thing I was adding to it was olive oil, but it is always promoted as good for you (and possibly is for some) and I was being pushed to add it as I was getting not much else in the way of food for energy at the time as everything seemed to set me off, even fruit and veg.
If I do stray now I still get some symptoms, more usually a day or two later, but nothing compared to before and now very tolerable. It's pretty incredible how bad the pain could get before, so it was interesting hearing you compare it to contractions as I have never had children so wouldn't know what that's like but I have always tried to impress on doctors just how painful it can be, but they just didn't get it. People who haven't experienced it or had a short lived mild case think it's just having discomfort or moderate pain, they don't understand just how much pain you can be in, sometimes for quite long periods too, it can be totally debilitating and draining.
I can now tolerate homemade wheat items or french baguette occassionally, although it took a while to get to that point and I now don't seem to have problems with dairy, so i guess my intestines were just aggrevated from the years of IBS. Although, I guess I was lucky in that I was scratch tested and did not have any food allergies, so always knew it as more of an intolerance before.
What really rang with me was when you said just a couple of bites of pizza could set you off, that used to happen to me with dry toast. At the time I was being told I had SIBO (even though my colonoscopy bacteria levels were all classed as normal) and I was gobsmacked that just a couple of bites of toast could be so bad, but of course it seems most (if not all) shop bought bread has some form of vegetable oil in it, so now it all makes more sense.
I was told time and time again, that sugar was causing my problems and I was cosntantly trying to lower my intake, but no matter which diet I tried my symptoms would always come back for what seemed like no reason, whether it be after days or weeks, I now know it was because I would sometimes be cooking with olive oil, or putting it on salads, or I might have the odd prepacked food with some form of oil in.
My best friend particularly when this was going on and I couldn't eat properly, and even now to be honest, is my juicer. I don't think I would ever be without one again. Even though I can eat more or less what I like now, I am still partial to homemade juices at least a few times week.
This may not be the answer for you (although might be worth trying if you haven't before) but it was just more to share my story so that you might be able to look at it from a different perspective. It's not always the foods we are lead to believe that are causing the problem, for years I did my best to avoid wheat and dairy and didn't need to. I still eat healthily but just don't have to limit myself so much anymore. As an added bonus my migraines are much rarer too!
I really hope you find your answer, the only real advice I can give is keep going back to the basics. I used to use homemade chicken broths, liquidised vegetable soups and juices or smoothies to get me through the really bad times. I know they don't sound exciting but they can be quite soothing.
chris03274 beth88871
trayham beth88871
sunni13905 trayham