IBS During Menopause
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Does IBS frequently occur or worsen during menopause? I’ve always had mild symptoms that fit IBS, but they’ve worsened dramatically in the last few months. I’m 47 and 18 month’s post-menopause.
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CarolKelso teri76755
Hi teri....yes I had an awful time with this the last year and only calming down now... It can flair up at times and certain times of the month constipation... My stomach also was nausea and excess wind which is on going... I eat small amounts and drink plenty of water... Keep a note of foods bothering you but this is common as our system slows down and digestion becomes sluggish.. My bowel has settled but took time and I know it's due to hormonal changes.. Hope this helps. CK
teri76755 CarolKelso
Shana_rifka teri76755
Been feeling so much better. Felt it coming on few months ago but then stopped. It’s been almost a year and I’m so grateful for this miraculous HRT!!
Hope this helps!
julie54379 teri76755
pamela2016 teri76755
I'm going through this now and feel so sick after my March cycle ended I haven't been the same. I'm always bloated and gas buildup my bowels has changed so much if it's not dirreah I barely go I had colonoscopy not even two weeks ago it was fine I had my women checkup not even a week ago they say was normal. I barely eat I'm so uncomfortable I was to start yesterday and still nothing hot nauseous dirreah and bloated. I'm scared everyday not knowing why it's not getting better or how to make it better. My stomach burns I think from not eating much I'm praying it's hormones
Shana_rifka pamela2016
evi75119 Shana_rifka
another sufferer here! It is very encouraging that HRT helps you! I am in perimenopause with severe low estrogen deficiency symptoms and HRT is my only hope to this hell
Have you ever feel a burning sensation on waistline area? it is awful...I think it is due to trapped gasses and too slow digestion
teri76755 evi75119
I have pain in the waistline area of my back. Usually to the left or right side. I can usually tie this pain to something I've eaten - too many raw veggies, popcorn, maybe a cereal that's harder to digest like shredded wheat. It often happens at the same time that I'm constipated and/or have pain in my ipper abdomen. It makes me think that it's IBS related rather than muscular pain in my back. All of these symptoms are happening more regularly since my last period 18 months ago.
Shana_rifka evi75119
pamela2016 teri76755
Thanks ladies I'll find someone to help me I've had no luck at all