IBS ??frustrated
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This time last year i was admitted to hospital with a perforated bowel. Following numerous tests i was furtherly told i had IBS. Not having a bowel problem before i thought it wouldnt affect me. Now it is. I used to have 3 bowel movements a day which was completely normal for me.
Now i am not regular and very rarely feel i am 'emptying' properly - feeling i need to go back to the toilet but nothing happens. I get pain in my Left illiac fossa going into my groin and occasionaly goes to the right side too but higher up in my abdomen. Ill take a laxative but im quite clearly very sensitive to them at times sending me one way or the other.
ive tried changing my diet but i dont even know what im suposed to do because im unsure what it is that is actively making me feel like this.
Ive also been suffering from anxiety recently and now im feeling better im starting to think - is it becasue now im not anxious my focus is on something else being my bowel.
This is really getting me down and im not sure how i can cope with it, im currently taking colpermin but i dont even know if its helping or not. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou very much.
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maurice74943 kate196
I also had that feeling of never feeling that my bowels were empty and they were, I wrote this in another discussion, try it:
Hi, I am writing this to try to help everybody that I can because I have been on the same boat as you guys and gone through this living hell for 3 years!!! Short description about my previous case was that I could almost eat nothing, only eat what is normally designated for IBS menu, I was always feeling that I had to go to the Bathroom, I would have IBS-D attacks daily, even taking a lot of Imodium would not work totally, painful bowel cramps, the whole works… I could go on with the list…but you guys already know what are the symptoms from personal experience.
Doctors give this autoimmune disease the name of IBS because they are totally clueless of why this happens, so they just grab all the symptoms and put them in one bag calling it IBS… to me it is just the doctors another way of saying they are clueless but they don´t want to show it to us so they won´t look bad.
Dr. Pimentel who has come up with the theory about SIBO is the cause makes me think that he is correct, this is the only one doctor that had a clue.
Now for the Treatment that I used daily :
From 10 gram to 30 grams of L-Glutamine, to repair the damaged intestinal mucosa and lining. Repairing this will block big food particles from entering the blood stream directly due to the holes in the intestinal lining cause by the bad bacteria.
12 billion Probiotic daily at least, start by using the 50 billion probiotic and then after seeing results you may try to decrease to cheaper probiotics, but don´t go below 10 billion.
Using the SIBO treatment first if desired:
Use Xifaxan ( Rifaximin) antibiotic to wipe out the bad bacteria but this will also wipe out the good bacteria ( check for Dr. Pimentel’s SIBO treatment). While you are doing this, I advise you to take probiotics daily to compensate the bacterial slaughter in the intestines. You can also start L-Glutamine ate the same time to repair the intestinal mucosa and Lining.
After the Xifaxan Treatment, keep on taking the heavy duty 50 billion probiotic daily and glutamine. After getting better, you may try to change the dosages of L-Glutamine and Probiotics and see how you adapt to lower dosages to try to save money.
Since many if not all IBS people are prone to getting E.Coli overgrowth again, you will have to keep on taking L-Glutamine and Probiotics for the rest of your life. I am on this treatment for 1 year and now I eat Pizza, Junk food, Spicy food, drink sodas and Coca-Colas and am totally normal as I was before. I will not say I am cured because it must be an auto-immune disease, but you may keep it in check and be 100% normal by just taking this for the rest of you days ( L-Glutamine and Probiotics).
I have tried previously all know medications for IBS, Antidepressants, anxiolytics , antispasmodics, tried acupuncture, etc. and I was only 30% better, because this medicines do not fix the problem, the just drug your gut to numbness…
This treatment will take around 6 months to reach 100% improvement, but you will notice improvements after 2 months, so be patient.
Good Luck to all and may god help you! "
rowenasurio1 kate196
whats ur diet like? I tried FODMAP which tells u to cut out wheat which I didn't eat anyway, but when I have "cheat days" I binge on bread etc and I got to the loo no problem.
If movicol isn't good enough, maybe ask to be prescribed linaclotide. It's quite a new drug but it's also quite strong. Agen, worked for me at first but then had to up the dose to 2 and Wundt be able to leave the house.... One way or another with me too!
sorry u are a sufferer. Everyone here u will find is very supportive, more so than doctors who just seem to pigeon hole ibs sufferers not understanding how bad it can be. Xx
robin77577 kate196
You need to keep REGULAR and ....everything will be fine. When you eat constipating foods and you don't eat enough fruits and vegetables in a day and maybe don't drink enough water...your bowels block up.... then the muscles in your bowel walls need to work harder than ever to push along the bowel contents. To keep your insides working well you can do the following:
1. Eat 6 - 10 servings of vegetables and fruits per day. No more beige meals! Only delicious, jewel coloured vegetables on your dinner plate.
2. Get some exercise every day to keep things moving...whether it be walking or a sport or an exercise class.
3. Limit or better, eliminate constipation causing foods such as white rice, cured meats which are salty like ham, salami, hot dogs, too much meat in general, salty foods like crisps, dairy and tea until you get things under control.
4. omit dairy products from your diet if you can...or limit them and replace them with delicious almond milk.
5. Drink plenty of water. (I have a pitcher by my computer so first thing in the morning I drink down 2 full glasses). For every cup of coffee or tea, both of which are diuretics (cause you to pee) you have to take one cup of water to replace the water lost.,...and then drink a cup of liquid such as water to be a cup ahead.
6. I often take 1 tsp of psyllium husks (Metamucil or Fybogel being the expensive but identical alternative) in the afternoon in a tall glass of water.
7. If you have particularly sluggish bowels, take 2 -3 tablets of the mineral magnesium before bed. In the morning you will produce a foot long, soft, stool that passes in 3 seconds. And that's it, no pain, no cramping. Everything should pass easily. You will need to gauge whether to take 2 or 3 tablets of magnesium often depending on how bulky your stool was from the previous day. You should be able to eliminate everything in one fell swoop in the morning. You will learn that in order to avoid the intense cramping, you need to be on top of your bowel activity.
When you have IBS as we all have, you will do anything to avoid the intense pain of bowel cramping.If we all just drank plenty of water, filled our dinner plates with colourful veggies \and moved our bodies more, we would be fine. Listen to your body. Lifestyle, lifestyle, lifestyle! Treat your bowels well and they will thank you. Good luck!
joan152 robin77577
while we can all offer information on here and comfort,I don't think we should be saying do this and that for one I could not drink water to that amount just blows me up ,no peppers to much fruit sugar and acid and to advise these medications is confusing for patients as you know what works for one does not work for another.I know GPs have not got all the time for it,but to some extent we have to try what they say. In my experience with this it is just keeping a food diary of what upsets you ,but that is my opinion don't say others should do it,and no way all this colour and not a beige plate but again my opinion not putting it n others.
robin77577 joan152
I think that drinking 2 glasses of water in a day is a minimum. It seems that all over the media we are told to drink EIGHT...which personally I find excessive. Two glasses to start the day...just downing them one after the other as I do or within a minute or two of each other gets the bowels moving. Unfortunately as we age, we lose our sense of thirst. That's why so many elderly end up in hospital with dehydration. And in spirte of that try to get an elderly person to drink a glass of water... You would think it's poison. Water is what your body is made up of. It has so many benefits from washing out your kidneys and liver to thinning your blood to avoid clots, to keeping your skin fuller. I have to respectfully disagree and maintain that drinking 2 glasses of water in a day, preferably first thing in the morning is beneficial for everyone....including you. Remember tea and coffee have diuretic properties and therefore rob the body of water so they don't count as liquid intake.
Any nutritionist would tell us to avoid a beige meal. It's not a matter of what 'works' but what constitutes 'healthy' eating...which does happen to work in terms of contributing to good health. So as far as having a meal of beige food...no one should be eating that. Beige means meat, potatoes/pasta/rice and corn and iceberg lettuce salad. The alternative would be for example: meat the size of a deck of cards, broccoli, a few beets (from a jar) and a salad of deep green lettuce...with some radishes and cherry tomatoes. And breakfast that includes colourful berries, an apple or melon. And a lunch that includes a baggie of bright orange carrot sticks, slices of crisp red pepper (very digestible unilke green for some) and cherry tomatoes....instead of crisps. So, it's not a matter of what works or what gets ones bowels working. It's about healthy eating. It's about what we are putting into our bowels. Everyone needs 6 - 10 fruits and vegetables per day. That amounts to at least 2 1/2 cups per day. It's what we require. If we follow this 'normal' regimen, we will be healthier in every way, feel energetic and alive and live a longer, healthier life. Treat your body well and it will serve you well. The last resort is drugs. If you are really not regular, you can take psyllium (Fybogel) which is natural.fibre..no drugs...in a full glass of water later on in the day to help with irregularity.
I think if we all used common sense...and maybe looked to our great grandparents on the farm to see how they lived, we would be far better off...and not rushing off to the doctor for the latest drug to cure our ills. Some physical labour (walks, gardening, the gym), getting out in the sun and fresh air, and eating fresh foods instead of processed, packaged foods, drinking fresh water (not from our 21st century taps!) and we would be far better off.
joan152 robin77577
Thankyou for replying but will repeat myself I cannot eat peppers or drink that amount of water,I do not drink tea or coffee or alcohol and not everybody can eat 10 veg and fruit a day again what suits one does not go for everybody my mother and father lived a very old age and yes we had veg
but as for a lot of fruit no and peppers my mother probably did not know them.As regards of bowels mine ŵork perfectly well,again we should not be saying do this and that and yes I have common sense and never set processed or takeaway foods.