IBS, Gall stones, Hiatus Hernia, Acid Reflux.. relief..

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Hi there!

It's my first post so hope this makes sense! biggrin

I had a nasty chest infection over Xmas - and ended up on anti-biotics ( for the first time in years!) after taking lots of cold meds : ibupofen, paracetemal etc.. As i was starting to feel better I developed a terrible pain down in between my ribs and across the top of my stomach. I thought I'd maybe damaged my stomach with so much medication and a few too may xmas tipples (despite being ill - I know not sensible!) I went to the GP and got Lanzoprazol - which I took for 2 weeks - I seemed to get some relief after a couple of days - but now the pain is back and I seem stuck with it ! sad

The pain is like a heavy pushing sensation just below my rib cage - and is constant. It's not agony but uncomfortbable and is now spreading through to my back. The doctor has taken me off the Lanzoprozole - as I'm being tested for the bug that causes stomach ulcers. And told me to stop caffeine and alochol. That doesn't seem to be helping... I'm also getting a scan for gall stones. But it the short term does anyone have any ideas for temporary relief that won't interfere with anything else.. or any suggestions for calming it down. Pain is constant and seems to be getting worse spreading into my back..? THANKS SO MUCH FOR ANY TIPS!!! biggrin

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I dont suggest anything on an empty stomach, and you never want to take too many nsaids, such as tylenol. try looking up your symptoms and treatments until you can get answers. It sounds like acid, or stomach. I am going to suggest a scope as it seems I have a couple other times to others with stomach problems. If your doctor is not a stomach specialist, ask if you can be referred. The stomach area can have alot of different issues. Look up the symptoms and see if you get any idea. I had severe pain below my rib cage a few years ago and it was acid reflux, but it was really bad. I didnt realize I even had it. Another time, a scope found a stomach parasite. I have no idea where I may have gotten that. Dont let a doctor shove a bunch of pills down you when they dont have answers. Maybe an anti-inflammatory until you get some real answers.
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    I have a pesky hiatus hernia and acid reflux, so what I suggest should not irritate that or gallstones if you have them. Try to stick to very lean meat and fish, no fried foods, no tomatoes (very acidic), as well as no alcohol or coffee, avoid fizzy drinks - try not to eat 3 hours before bedtime, and try not to drink anything for 2 hours before bed. I find I can't take asprin/ ibuprofen - it really upsets my stomach - and will not help if you have an ulcer - try taking paracetamol if you need pain relief. Did your doctor suggest anything else to take? Perhaps they are waiting for test results to come in.

    Good luck - hope you feel better soon.

  • Posted

    Hi.Leave all medicine of stomach.Use Yougurt at morning.Eat slow nd little.

    MEDdinceS will destroy your stomach.Go for herbal treatment as soon as possible.

    • Posted

      Its true medicine is not good for the stomach, but they need to find out what is wrong in case it is serious, instead of just using herbal rememdies. This could be serious. You need to know what herbs you need. you cannot just ignore a sign of distress to your body.
  • Posted

    This kinda sounds like what I was experensing when I had my galbladder removed. It felt like heartburn times 10.

    Hope all turns out ok. XD

  • Posted

    yesh; hi Abs.

    Could be h pylori ; and this is a bacteria that will need antibiotics- but get your Gp to test you or buy a test.  if this is the case ; then liquorice tablets will assist.

    Some good  news;  there is an organ that can repair itself on a cellular level to some extent; the liver..

    it has various 'tasks' and filters toxins like alcohol and fats (good and bad); it can get damaged and not function well after only ays of drinking and, if you are fortunate to be skinny and therefore can eat things like muffins and crisps; then the likliehood is that your liver has been overworked. (it processes fats).

    the liver needs glutamin; which it draws from the bowel; in times of need. hence this could be another cause of the pain.  I suspect the liver is what your gp suspects and to which you shoudl be grateful; as you can go years with some saying 'ibs'.. and it can be extremely painful.

    so please consider taking some Milk Thistle - this helps to repair cells within teh liver.  In addition; you should consider anti-inflammatory foods (garlic/ turmeric) and anti-oxidant foods (like beetroot, and onions, and red grapes). try drinking water and green tea; also cranberries. or the juice. Drink Apple / green tea.

    You need to balance your PH in the stomach (reducing acidt ) take a liquorice tablet which assists with acid reduction a bit. - we are lookign at reducing the inflammation and repairing any possible nerve damage - so look at glutamin tablet once in a while (not too many).. Introduce good bacteria (probiotics) - if the liver is n't working; then the acid production can be affected; and your gallbladder can be affected and then your bowel can be affected; and then your eyes may get creamy white bits in the whites.. which is distincitve of liver and gallbladder issues.  

    hope that makes sense? & i hope you get better quickly and soon smile


    • Posted

      Thank you! Lots of great suggestions!


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