IBS Medication.. HELP!

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I have been prescribed Mebeverine for IBS D.

I suffer from loose BM but am never able to completly empty my bowel. So far i have never suffered from constipation but do suffer from aniexty and this is making my condition worse.

The doctors gave me Mebeverine to try but it isnt making me any worse or any better. I took it with the hope the side affect would clog me up, but no such success.

What over the counter drugs are there to help my type of IBS and how well do they work. I need some relief but cant find anything other than Mebeverine online. There has to be more than one surely?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Try Colpermin or Buscopan and a good quality probiotic
    • Posted

      Does Colpermin help with Diarreah though as all the reviews i have read have been good for constipation.. Buscopan i always thought was made for the pain rather than the BM. But im new to this so a bit unsure..
    • Posted

      Well Colpermin has always worked for me I never have constipation so can't comment. It's mainly peppermint oil which is soothing to your gut. I don't really have flare ups any more (fingers crossed) as I have been taking a liquid probiotic for a few years now. But I had about twelve years of a very restricted diet etc etc prior to that.

  • Posted

    Imodium works , drs said mine was IBS ,but turned out to be allergies doing it from blood tests I had last year ,keep a note on what your eating daily , but Imodium is quick acting . If you eat a lot of sugary things that won't help , will go right through you ,due to the surgars they use in everything these days . Read the labels on what you buy ,pain in the backside ,but that's what I do now . 

    • Posted

      Thankyou. I dont think its quite bad enough for immodium sometimes. Just want a drug that i can take daily that will calm everything down. Because mine is caused more by stress. But going to keep the immodium in my bag just in case
  • Posted

    Mebeverane, buscopan and colpermin are all anti spasmodic for the cramps and pain. For diarrhoea you need loperamide or some people use kaolin or codeine. Loperamide is the easiest to get.

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