Ibs or perimenopause
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Hi all, I've posted a couple of times on here with regards to my health anxiety anyway just when I think I'm gradually getting a grip of things bang! I think I'm starting to go through the perimenopause ( I'm 43 but my mum was similar age when she started ) I get the odd "hot flush" and crying a lot but now I'm getting what I think is ibs ( had it before ) but this time I feel nauseous on and off and flatulence and burping but no diarreah or constipation as such despite taking ibs meds and it's been going on for 4 days so my question is does this sound like ibs, menopause or both ?? Totally fed up with it.. thank you in advance for any advice
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karen77710 sharon73515
sharon73515 karen77710
Thanks Karen that does help.. poxy anxiety getting the better of me again. Hope you're coping with it all now.. x
karen77710 sharon73515
I suffer with health anxiety to, it's a awful thing but I started CBT therapy last week and I must say after just one session I feel loads better, second session tomorrow. Take care I know it's hard but you will get there in the end xx
julie7525 sharon73515
karen77710 julie7525
Hi Julie I've been the same as you. I'm also on beta blockers and HRT patches but I've started CBT for my health anxiety and I must admit it's settled down a lot this week, first time in about 10 monthes. So just taking one beta blocker a day instead of two and three xx
julie7525 karen77710
sharon73515 karen77710
Hi julie and Karen, thanks so much for your comments it does help to know you're not alone. Unfortunately cbt didn't work for me but I'm seeing a neuropsychologist tomorrow to see if that helps as I have ms too.
I also seem to be burping a lot lol and sometimes my tummy makes strange noises like nobody's business do you both get this too.. by the way I'm on the mini pill so my periods have been irregular ( really really heavy one last summer tho ) but hit and miss at mo.. I asked doc to do blood test to see if I'm in perimenopause but he says it's not very accurate at my age ( 43) but that I could be going through it.
Ps you're right health anxiety is a horrible thing to go through and I know that anxiety alone can also make you nauseas too so ibs on top can make it difficult to say what's what lol
Best wishes to you both tho and thanks again keep up the cbt, obv works for you. X
sharon73515 julie7525
Ps I swear by meditation and mindfullness plus I'm on 100mg sertraline too abdcthe odd beta blocker x
julie7525 sharon73515
karen77710 julie7525
Hi Julie yes I have panick attacks but like you with the beta blockers I'm fine. I'm not on any other meds as they set my stomach reflux off real bad. I haven't had a period for 10 years but the menapause only started about 2 years ago and what a nightmare it's been. It's what as set my health anxiety and panick attacks off. I get really bad hot flushes day and night and dizziness. I am on HRT patches and they have helped but I'm hoping the CBT we'll work better for me. Take care x
sharon73515 julie7525
Hi julie, oh yes I've been on ad for years but only recently gone over to sertraline and beta blockers, I still need to get advice from my doc with regards to ibs and menopause but I remember him saying before when I suggested that I may be going through it that the blood test isn't accurate at my age.. and my tummy can be loud too even if I haven't eaten much. Have you tried charcoal tabs? And quick question please, do your ibs symptoms last for days at a time as this is the longest bout I've had ( 5 days and now have the diarrreah :-( sorry too much info lol ) in the past it's only lasted a day or two.
I don't have lots of palps tho like you so I do feel for you x
julie7525 karen77710
julie7525 sharon73515
sharon73515 julie7525
Hi julie,
No it's not been confirmed about the ibs I'm hoping to see him tomorrow about this episode. I'm a very nervous and anxious person anyway and the last 6 mths have been particularly bad so I'm hoping its ibs related to the stress I'm currently going through but thank u x
karen77710 julie7525
Yes I do get them but not much now I'm on beta blockers x
julie7525 karen77710
julie7525 sharon73515
julie7525 sharon73515
When i went to the doc about my stomach he did a range of blood and poo tests to rule out other causes and said if they come back normal i can call it ibs. All were ok so i take it its ibs and accept it. I try to avoid bread, too much sugar, caffein, but even foods that are good for me like babanas, baked potatoes irritate but i eat them anyway cos i dont know what id eat otherwise! Small regular snacks so stomachs not empty for a long time and no eating after teatime helps. If im daft n have a binge on sugary stuff like i did last night it'll irritate it, also i got palps last night after eating too much sugar which might just be coincidence, but i was lying down, bit of indigestion as usual and palps started. I often find when my stomachs bad n im burping a lot im more likely to have palpitations, something to do with the vagus nerve being stimulated possibly? X
sharon73515 julie7525
Hi julie,
Thanks fir the above info and it may be worth asking for the poo tests but I'm always having my bloods taken anyway because I have ms and need regular bloods taken because of the medication in on, and bowel problems does come with ms anyway so it's hard to know what's what lol but yes you're right stress is a pig because it can cause all sorts ( the brain is a powerful thing )
At least you seem to recognise the triggers for your ibs and that must be half the battle. Then of course you have the hormones too, oh it's hard being a woman isn't it x
julie7525 sharon73515
sharon73515 julie7525