IBS / Pancreatic cancer / Bowel cancer ?

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I am really worried, and trying to find some help from more experienced people on this forum.

I am 22 years old, 186cm and 96kg. Everything started 5 weeks ago when I woke up at night with pain in my upper left abdomen. It was not sharp pain 10/10, but 5/10, general discomfort. I thought, it was just a mistake in my diet, so I waited the next week. The pain came and go many times during that week... I had diarrhea right, usually right after eating or 30 minutes after eating. I started google my symptoms... which even worsened everything I think. On second week I went to my GP. He did blood tests, urine tests, stool test... everything came back normal (even pancreatic enzymes so he ruled out pancreatic cancer = in his words, it is nonsense). The other day I was sent to ultrasound, everything clear. At the same I was sent to gastroenterologist, he did gastric fibroscopy - everything was clear. I did get pills for anxiety, and was advised to do a low-fat, high-fiber (in general healthy) diet. Some things improved, but still. I have bowel movemnts twice in the morning. Stool color is sometimes normal (dark brown), but more often light brown to yellowish (which I am scared of... suggest to not digesting fats properly?). These things were basically unknown for me 5 weeks ago. Sometimes I experience heartburn and pain under my rib-cage (both on left and right side), radiating to my backs. It is a mild pain, comes and goes. My appetite is back (I guess because I stopped to google symptoms). I do not even the have constant feeling of fullness (like I had the first week). During the whole 5 weeks I was able to do jogging (10km/daily) as I did before, so I do not feel weakness. I had some nausea the first week, but even that is ok for now. Anyways... I am still pretty scared, mainly due the change in bowel movements, stool color and occasional pain in my backs or under the left/right ribcage. I had another stool tests... for celiac disease, lactose intolerance and again presence of blood in my stool. Should I push for CT scans, MRI,  colonoscopy?

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    What has your doctor suggested for a diagnosis? It sounds like IBS..  Ask your doctor if you need these other tests.
    • Posted

      Thanks for the prompt answer. GP thought it is colitis. Gastroenterologist suggested IBS (that is why he prescribed anxiety pills, I guess).
    • Posted

      Did he suggest antispasmodics or diet change such as the Low Fodmap diet or a food diary?   Bowel habit change is a symptom of IBS as is stool colour change.  My stools were light brown and pencil shaped for a time with my IBS.   Anxiety is a symptom of IBS too and it makes IBS worse.
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    You must have the correct cause before you can effect a cure. Guesswork will not do.
    • Posted

      Yes, I am just really scared. I have had all blood tests possible, all normal. Ultrasound showed liver, pancreas and all in perfect condition. Gastric fibroscopy showed esophagus, stomach in normal condition. Fibroscopy ruled out Helicobacter also. Stool ruled out Helicobacter and few other infections as well, no blood presented in stools. Now, I am waiting for another stool results and based on that I will take other steps. Really bad thing about IBS that there is no test to find it out. I am worried of pancreatic cancer because of upper abdominal pain radiating to my backs and lightbrown to yellowish stool and change of bowel habits. I read some bad stories online :-(
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    New results from my stools are also ok. I am have scheduled colonoscopy on Wednesday, thursday CT scan.
  • Posted

    Colonoscopy and my CT scan are clear. Now it's officialy diagnosed IBS by my doctors. I have pills, that I will take for 6 months at least. I already feel better because diagnoses I googled added much burdens on my shoulders. I still do feel occasional pain in my backs... but that's all for now.

    • Posted

      Back pain goes with IBS; glad you got a diagnosis.  My IBS diagnosis brought me the same immediate relief.  I googled conditions as well in the hope it would givve my doctors more to work on.  It didn’t help and it made me more anxious.  However, on my eighth appointment. I told my doctor about my anxiety as a last resort to solve my despair and he recognised my symptoms as IBS.


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