IBS worse with Perimenopause , going nuts please help
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Hi ladies, I need a lot of help..do any of you have IBS ? alternating Constipation and Diarreha. The past few years have been miserable during Perimenopause. One or two weeks prior to my period, which is coming sooner, later, heavier and lighter shorter ugh!! I seems a week before my period I experiance some constipation, gas, bloating, then when I get my period, diarrhea. But, has anyone had a full feeling in the ribs area right underneath your breasts? I have been doing a lot of walking so my lower and upper back is acting up. So the pains can be intermittent traveling all over my abdomen, down by my belly button area, up high on both sides and just a feeling like I have to constantly pass gas. ( sorry to be gross). I am taking Vicodin because the pain gets that bad especially after a bowel movement, my Gastro doctor said it's spasms in the colon.. I can't take one more day of this peri.. please any advice is welcome.
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ImagineOneDay jennifer85396
Hi, I too suffer from.bad gastro-resistant problems. I do feel spasm.on my right side of abdomen. It gets thight and very heavy pulling me down. Then I get bad back pain which makes me feel sick. I sometimes worry if it is something worse; ovarian cancer since the symptoms do match. It is usually under my right ribcage. It is awful. Due to spasm.and pain I can't do much walking. Even.my daily routine had to be on.hold due to pain. I had a stomach x-rays and will have my poo tested for helicopter pylori bacteria. I don't know. It is all ery confusing and depressing...
jennifer85396 ImagineOneDay
ImagineOneDay jennifer85396
Mars777 jennifer85396
Hi jennifer . Looking back now i believe it was the menopause which caused my IBS. I suffered really bad with IBS for a number of years, even had a colonoscopy & sigmoidoscopy to have every thing checked out, all was fine. I am now postmenopausal & nothing like how i was. The Dr gave me Mebeverine tablets to help with the IBS which i took when had really bad bouts of it. It does help with the spasms in the colon.
jennifer85396 Mars777
Mars777 jennifer85396
Mars777 jennifer85396
Sally4x jennifer85396
Yes I have had those symptoms. It was thought that I had gallstone, but I don't xx
ImagineOneDay Sally4x
Ahh Sally, that's what I thought I had. I still wonder if it is the fall stones. Bit the scan die not seem to show anything in the gall bladder. So I still don't know what's causing my symptoms and what I can do to relieve my pain.
Sally4x ImagineOneDay
ImagineOneDay Sally4x
Isn't it horrible Sally. I just wish all this will be over soon. Take good care.
tina15479 ImagineOneDay
ImagineOneDay tina15479
Hi, thank you for asking/caring. I am still the same. Worse in same ways. The hospital appointments have been dissapointing. I am going to Turkey soon. I am planning to have some blood tests and endoscopy there to find out what's wrong with me. I will have to pay since the GP s and hospitals let me down badly. Hope you are well
tina15479 jennifer85396
Hi Ladies
Just seeing this thread now.
How are you all doing? I have had IBS since I was a teen. Now I am 50 and in perimenopause. My periods come for a few months then nothing for a few months. This started middle of age 49. Am ok with that except that in mid June I started have diarrhea every morning (instead of a normal poop).
This continued for 5 weeks ! I knew I was sick though as besides the loose stools I felt fine. Doctor gave me a double dose of antibiotics first as they always want to rule out infection.
After completing the courses I was back to square one. Was under a lot of unrelated stress. I told my doc but they don't listen regatding emotions etc. They stil wanted to find something physical.
Was referred to a gastro doc who immediately wanted to schedule a colonoscopy. She gave me the run down on risks & what to expect and I said no way !
Only 1 symptom and I already know I have IBS. Wasn't keen to scope. Had a couple of weeks with more solid stools but still not a sausage typed poop but not diarrhoea. Then 2 days ago I had diarrhoea again. Yesterday I didn't really poop & tgen tonight I had horrendous stomach cramps and pooped diarrhoea 4 times.
Am fed up with this. Did you ladies find answers to your symptoms? I don't want to blame the menopause and still think it's an IBS flare up, except that when I was young I used to have constipation not diarrhoea. But am prone to diarrhoea if over stressed though.
JillJ jennifer85396
Hey Ladies! I had to create an account to post on here to see if anyone is still active. I never had any bowel movement issues until hitting peri-menopause about 2 years ago. I've been seeing a GI for about 1.5 years. Last year we did all the GI tests including colonoscopy. They keep finding the linings of my whole GI trac to be very irritated but they don't know by what. I'm starting to think it's all related to my flushing of hormones, but the was just my own gut instinct (lol). I've been on Budesonide for about a year, which I think helps with the diahreah, but now I've tracked my really bad bowel movements to right before my period, or sometimes at ovulation time (right in between periods.) When I say really bad bowel movements, it starts with cramps that eventually drive me into the bathroom, I start sweating as my insides convulse and this lasts until i finally have a diarrhea bowel movement. Last year I passed out cold on the toilet and hit my head on the way down (i have soft rugs en all bathrooms now!) So to you ladies, did anything work? Do I treat the menopause (I haven't gone on any treatment), or the IBS (if that's what it is?) ANY help is appreciated. This has really effected my quality of life!