If I only have one ovary left n I feel pressure what should I do
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I had a hysterectomy in 2012 due to cyst n endometriosis. . Now I am feeling pressure where my rt ovary is.. will this mean I have to have it removed too.
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annieschaefer melissa_1529
This is a question only your doctor can answer. You need to have tests to see what, if anything is going on. When is the last time you had a GYN visit? Best to schedule one soon to put your mind at ease.
Annie xx
melissa_1529 annieschaefer
annieschaefer melissa_1529
I hate that you have to spend so much time worrying about this when you can get results fairly quickly. Are you in the UK or US?
Hoping the best for you Melissa.
Annie xx
melissa_1529 annieschaefer
annieschaefer melissa_1529
I had a pelvic exam done years ago and afterwards (doc used more pressure than most to make sure he was feeling the ovaries at the time) I remember feeling horrible pain on the right thinking there was something horribly wrong. Thankfully, I am an ultrasound tech, so I had a co-worker take a look to make sure nothing was wrong, and of course, there wasn't, but the pain was there. I think my doc was just a bit more aggressive to really palpate the ovary and I'm ok with that to rule out any issues with the ovary. Better than some who barely perform a pelvic exam these days and try to rely soley on imaging studies! lol!
I've also had the symptoms of bladder infection with neg results, so I started drinking cranberry juice (not sure if it's wives tale or not) but it seems to help. In last several months I have had to dramatically restrict my diet (dr advised) and I believe I am on the mend from many of the most recent crazy symptoms of this "glorious" time called Perimenopause.
Yes, thankfully you can get that Ultrasound, sounds like sometimes in UK they have to wait longer or go through hoops to get docs moving on investigating things. I could be wrong but I see things mentioned at times, makes me wonder.
Let us know how it all works out for you! Will be keeping you in my thoughts!
Annie xx
jennifer01077 melissa_1529
sharcerv52408 melissa_1529