If we didnt laugh we wouldnot get through it!!

Posted , 8 users are following.

Well ladies, you made me laugh out loud!!, I've been suffering for 10years, oh yes!!, symptoms have now subsided I'm now 56, each happy day reminds me how awful it was, much love to all going through this metamorphosis. It does get better, honest, and I did it without HRT!! Xx

2 likes, 21 replies

21 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh jeeeeeeezus....... 10 years......I can't cope.......I've had it 7 months.  My poor doctor.  I was her last patient of the day and probably finished her off.......😳
    • Posted

      Hi Gubbins, don't panic, as long as your aware that these horrendous symptoms are related to your reducing hormones, it helps, I told everyone why I had changed into a seething, sweating, gargoyle, this in turn helped them to steer clear of me, when I had my down days, it also helped my work colleages to support me, by effectively doing my job!! for this I am eternally grateful to them, and I in turn will support them when they start to change!!! Xxxx
    • Posted

      Yeah, I agree. We can 'work' this nasty 'disease' to our advantage as the general public only tink of Menopausal women as sweaty, fat ol' gals ranting and crying.......in supermrket meltdowns. And most have not even heard of Peimenopause :-) :-) !!!

      Lets wear our sweaty armpits and moustaches with Pride:-) !!


    • Posted

      Sorry....that bloody Tablet getting the better of me again! 

      I do actually type/spell the right words......I can only assume that my Tablet is sick of my frequent use of this site!!


  • Posted

    I might feel better if it had been confirmed, but at the moment they are having to rule out "other things".  I'm not sure my description of "I just feel bloody weird" helped the doc a great deal....... 😥x
    • Posted

      Bubbins, there's probably been 10 prior and 15 after you in her Surgery that day!

      Good Luck tho' - hope it's nothing that causes too much grief - including Peri!!


  • Posted

    Thanks for your encouragement I need that I pray my stomach issues get better 
  • Posted

    Thank you so much for this - a beacon of hope. Things are a lot better for me at the moment and hopefully the end is nigh,(in a positive way) but I take nothing for granted. Enjoy the rest of your sun-filled days - 56 is the new 21!
  • Posted

    Hi Jeanette, how lovely to hear something positive. When you say 10 years were all the symptoms really bad from the very beginning? I find it difficult to say how long I've been in peri as very noticeable symptoms only started a couple of years ago (I'm 52), but I reckon peri started before that with lighter shorter periods etc. I'd also like to know if you suffered from insomnia, I'm suffering badly with this at the moment. i'd love to think that one day it will go away!! 
    • Posted

      Hi Kerry, my first symptom was probably my brain, I felt as if someone had plugged me into the mains, buzzing, like bursts of electricity, then at 45, came multiple symptoms, no help from Gp, bloods ok as usual, it's been a long voyage!!! and yes I have had times of waking on the hour, nightmares, ect, leaves you exhausted, just remember IT WON'T BE FOREVER IT WILL PASS!!! Xxx
    • Posted

      Thanks for that Jeanette, I can relate to the buzzing, mine stopped me dropping off to sleep that was when I was 46 so I guess I'm quite a way down the line (which is good news!) Had a good night's sleep last night which helps me to put it all into perspective, I'm also doing it naturally. 
  • Posted


    Can I buy whatever Elixir of Life you drank cos I'm 54, still bleeding as regular a clockwork and have no idea when this Circus - me being the Freak Show/Fat/Bearded Lady attraction most of the time!! - is gunna leave town!!!:-) :-)

    Seriously, without my humour and a great ol' man who still has me in fits of giggling after 32yrs of marriage, I don't know what I'd do.

    Although I'd describe myself as a 'Half Empty' gal, so rarely get disppointed, I've never took much, least of all myself that seriously. I'd say i'm just a 'realist'.

    Both my mum and one other sister in particular were/are seriously funny: make a joke out of anything, no matter how un-PC, which are even funnier! So when we meet/talk we have a great laugh. Best medicine ever!?

    I am the only one of 4 sisters who is still in Peri at 54. At my age, they were all proper Meno. Gutted!! Must be because I'm the hardest working of us all (that'll wind them up:-) !). Would like to start to get irregular at least

    Can I ask: you say you went 'Commando' - no HRT! - did you take ANYTHING at all? Interested as I'm not taking HRT yet, and will put off until I cant stand the aching joints any longer.

    And also, what have you 'morphed' into? I'd hope to be a petite blonde with loads of money and attitude!!! :-) :-) :-)

    Well Done You. Enjoy to Freedom!


    • Posted

      I love you ladies!! Don't get me wrong I've tried magnesium liquid ( turned myself inside out, couldn't get off the loo), and I've spent what feels like hundreds of pounds on vitamins, which never helped with the memory as I would forget to take them, the feeling of euphoria is because I'm free at last (I think!!) xxxx
    • Posted

      Hi jeanette 

      the beat magnesium on the tum is chelated magnesium

      there are many different types.

      magnesium oxide and magnesium citrate has laxative effects.. Great if constipated.. 

      I take solgar chelated magnesium and it doesnt affect the tum 

      i learned the hard way and took oxide and was runing to the loo every morning too 😢 chelated is great 

      jay x

    • Posted

      Well I'm sure you've all heard of the 'Man with the Golden Gun'?  Well I am the original 'Gal with the Cast Iron Gut' - no amount of magnesium shifts this ol' bird!! 

      I'll take jayneejay's advice and check out the 'right' form of magnesium for me.

      Love this site x


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